
June 23, 2012

Things I LOVE

On the way to work today, I was thinking of a new topic for my blog entries. I have nothing more to say about the breakup. I mean, who cares? I'll never see that dbag again. So I thought I'd make a list of a ton of things (which might be super corny) that I love! In no particular order.

More will eventually be added.
BTW - I looked super cute today!

(1) Picnics by the ocean/lake
(2) Red roses!
(3) Being serenaded with love songs <3
(4) Slow dancing under the moon
(5) A travel partner
(6) Holding hands <3
(7) Swimming...for fun or exercise
(8) Spending time with my best friends
(9) Dirty dancing at clubs - yes, I have an edgy side
(10) Getting dressed up...heels included :)
(11) Reading
(12) Laying by the pool with a drink in my hand
(13) Cooking or baking...which I'm not completely good at yet since I have to eat gluten-free, but I'm slowly getting there! I feel sorry for my poor future husband LOL
(14) Watching movies on stormy nights
(16) Art - I collect paintings
(17) Comedy...jokes, funny tv shows, anything to make me laugh
(18) Carnivals
(19) Cruises (...Carnival Cruises count too, I didn't plan that - I swear)
(20) Driving

(21) Dark haired guys with some muscle...omgomgomg
(22) Guy that are really romantic...even if it's an idea from a book or movie, it's the thought and effort that counts :)

Things I will absolutely stay away from:

(1) Gluten
(2) Ketchup
(3) Roller coasters
(4) Heights
(5) Country music
(6) Smoking and other drugs
(7) Sex
(8) Your stupidly disgusting celebrity crushes...because I'm the best
(9) Your exes...because I'm still the best you'll ever have


  1. Your car appears to already be in Italy.

  2. LOL I'm not in Italy yet! And even when I am, I'm not allowed to drive anything...unfortunately.

  3. I disagree. Your steering wheel has a distinct European accent to it...

  4. I think it's too big to be European
