
June 7, 2012

The Past Week of My Life

Since last Friday, I have finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I started The Hunger Games and am currently halfway through the first book. I've been working my butt off at my job, putting in my painful - yet satisfying - schedule of 6 days a week. The Jersey weather has been looking up and my garden is starting to mature.

Unfortunately this week my grandma was sent to the hospital after suffering a "minor" heart attack on Tuesday. The doctors took an ultrasound of her legs, worried that she had blood clots in her legs. Sadly she has multiple clots in her legs that caused her heart attack. She had a procedure done today which resulted in her doctor prescribing her medication, I'm guessing to thin her blood. Stints were unable to be placed because the doctors said it was too risky.

This woman is 91 and she's one of the most important people I've known since I was born. You can't even tell she's 91, but you can tell she's scared. I can't blame her. My worst fear right now is - God forbid - she dies after I leave for Italy in August. Then what?
I visited her again in the hospital today and she looked better. So hopefully the medication will work. But sadly, my dad just found out (the same day my grandma was checked into the hospital) that he has small sections of skin cancer. He has to have operations sometime soon to - hopefully - remove all of it. So please pray for him and thank you for all the prayers!

Luckily, I have amazing friends who actually give a crap about me. So tomorrow I'm planning on spending most of my day with one of my very best friends who I've known since preschool.

After what I've been through this year, I deserve time for myself. 

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