
June 16, 2012

The Best Advice

I have literally spent all day asking friends and family for advice about this breakup. Some people said Forget him while others said See what happens. But the best advice came from my grandma today.

I explained what happened to her and she said That's such a shame because I thought he was a really great and sincere guy. Agreed. He was - I'm sure he always will be. But you have to focus on everything else. You can't let one guy hurt you like this and make you sick. A man that makes you cry is never the man you should be with, unless you want a life with him filled with tears. A man that loves you should love you for everything and be completely honest and giving of himself. I believe that you leaving for Italy will be the biggest test for both of you, whether you decide to get back together or not. I believe that if you waited until December or January to make your final decision, it would have been better. But if he is going to hurt you like this, then all I can say is that it's better you found out now than later. A cheater will always be a cheater, and a liar will always be a liar. There's no going back. 

Then she said, If he cares about you as much as he said he did, he will figure something out. If he wants the "supposed future" he dreamed of with you, he will work hard to make things right. Either way, you will get your sign.

I already had 4 guys ask me out when they found out I was single. But I'm still waiting for that damn sign...

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