
June 18, 2012


Tonight was one amazing night! I met so many new people and got to talk to people I haven't seen in a very long time. The challenge of having a fresh, simple, backyard party was accomplished thanks to the hard work of my parents, my sister, and myself! I have to say, job well done! 

I met a lot of people in relationships tonight. My brother's fiance, Katie, has an amazing sister who is married to a great guy in the Army. They look and act extremely young. They met in college, he serenaded her with his guitar, and they fell in love. Got married. Now they lead an interesting marriage with him in the Army and her doing her own thing. I would find that so difficult and I give them so much credit. In this situation, I feel that being away for a long time from the person you love tends to make you each miss each other more. I would never be able to do that. 

But after meeting them for the first time, you can tell that they glow with admiration for each other and true love. The love they have is a rare kind of love. They travel together and do everything together. They love each other so deeply and so intensely - it's beautiful to see something like that, knowing it simply...exists. That it's out there...somewhere.

It's a beautiful thing. One day that will be me - with my husband. We'll have an intense love, a fun love that radiates in front of everyone! He'll be mine and I will be his, like love is supposed to be. Just because a few guys don't treat me right doesn't mean I lose hope. I just believe that if God doesn't want me with someone, it won't be. If God wants me to be somewhere else, I have to follow because he will eventually lead me there.

I believe things happen for a reason. I believe that love is created for people to immerse themselves in entirely. And eventually, I will have a ring around my finger and a man to call my own...and my husband :)

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