
June 22, 2012


I usually have Fridays off.
Which now means I can get myself to the gym :)

I woke up a little before 9am, wrote some blog entries, finished the second book of The Hunger Games Trilogy, and went to the gym. No one is really at the gym on early Friday afternoons. Which was very strange. I like having a billion people there because it makes me feel like everything is fast paced and I can keep up with my usual routine of 2 miles and random weights. Today I did 1.65 miles and some arm weights, which are not good for you when you have a long drive home and you haven't worked out in a month. Because your arms shake uncontrollably. Awesome.

Anyway, the second Hunger Games book was more in depth. I love it though - there's a relationship between Peeta and Katniss, plus Gale and Katniss.
Spoiler Alert: There's also another Games - yeah, ANOTHER Games. And at the end, I cried. I literally read the last page of the book and cried. And that was it. Now I have to get my hands on the 3rd one! And then I start 50 Shades of Grey ;)

Now I have to attempt to organize my room, get ready for the party, and - ya know - SHOWER. 

Ciao for now ;)

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