
June 5, 2012

My Future Husband

My older brother is engaged to a great girl and I'm happy for both of them. I'm a bridesmaid for their wedding next year and I'm excited. But I had one really scary realization - I'm next in line to get married. But seriously - how do you find a husband today?

Marriages don't even last long anymore in the US with financial problems that the #1 reason why people get divorced. But I don't believe in divorce unless there's some kind of domestic violence - and sorry guys, but I'm not getting divorced. You're either in it for the long haul with me or I won't waste my time. But dating is so difficult today! Sex is a sport, everyone comes with some kind of baggage or is "gently used", people cheat and lie so easily. How are genuine women (AND MEN), who just want to marry a sincere person, supposed to find a potential spouse?

The only answer I can give you is that you never really know who sincerely wants to be with you and who doesn't. You can only look for these things in your significant other:

(1) Honesty and Loyalty
(2) Trust and Support
(3) Love and Sincerity
(4) Level of Commitment
(5) Solid Friendship
(6) Future Goals
(7) Present Success
(8) Level of Religiousness/Spirituality (if you're looking for it in a partner)
(9) Happiness
(10) Ideas for Financial Security (show me the money!)

1 comment:

  1. Sean: "Your 'future husband' post is something I totally agree with, so well said."
