
June 19, 2012

Long Day

Today was a painfully long day at work. There was no internet until the afternoon, which was difficult. And the day just felt slow. But once we did get internet, I signed up for the gym. So I officially have a gym membership that's under $15 a month. Finally. I'm desperately trying to get in better shape. I would like to accomplish the goal of gaining 5 pounds of muscle before my physical exam at the doctor before I leave for Italy. And when I mean "physical exam", I mean they're probably going to ship me to the closest hospital to poke and prod and take a billion blood tests to make sure I'm not dying. I want to be a lean, mean, sexy machine! Haha. Hopefully I will have some abs by the time I fly into Rome.

I feel super accomplished! I'm finally home and I'm trying to finish Catching Fire, the second book of The Hunger Games Trilogy. But I also want to do my nails - LOL. Since I was forced to clean my room for the party, I can't find anything. I'm supposed to get stuff done for Italy. Like a list of documents I need, a packing list, and probably some other stuff I should be putting together anyway since I can't bring much. But I can't find anything. And I'm way too lazy right now to go through everything. 

My only hope is Friday - the only day of the week I have off right now because my work schedule looks like this:

M/T/W/TH = 8:30am-4:30pm
Sa/Sun = 1-9pm

I currently have off from July 12-16 which might change because I might be in extreme demand that weekend. But right now, that's my only vacation time and I'm dying to go to Hurricane Harbor. Seriously people, let me take off work for SOME tanning time!

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