
June 22, 2012

Italian Basics 2

Please read previous Italian Basics post from May!
By popular demand, I am writing more Italian posts!

Let me know if you want any more phrases/words added!

Important things to remember when speaking Italian (if you don't remember these, they'll know you're American...or just really really bad at Italian):

- In italiano, ch is pronounced as a k because there is no k in the Italian alphabet! Words like ch[k]iamo, ch[k]e, ch[k]iave, and vecchi[k]o have English k sounds in them! 

- Certain Italian words that have a c in them are pronounced like a ch in English. Italian words like ric[ch]erca (research), cuc[ch]ina (kitchen), and aranc[ch]ione (orange) have ch sounds in them. It is not the same as in English, where we pronounce ch as ch in words like chicken, kitchen, and chewing

- In italiano, nouns that describe nationalities, (like American, Italian, German, etc.) are written without a capital letter in front! So if you wanted to say the American girl, it would be la ragazza americana - no capital letter.

Breakfast - la colazione (COH-LATZ-YOH-NAY)
(Verb) to have breakfast - fare la colazione (FAR-AY-LA-COH-LATZ-YOH-NAY)

Lunch - il pranzo (ILL-PRAHN-ZO)
(Verb-->it isn't "to have lunch") to lunch - pranzare (PRAHN-ZAR-AY)

Dinner - la cena (LA-CHEN-AH)
(Verb--> it isn't "to have dinner") to dinner - cenare (CHEN-AR-AY)

Morning - la mattina (LA-MAH-TINA)
Afternoon - il pomeriggio (ILL-POH-MER-EE-GEE-OH)
Night - la sera (LA-SEH-RAH)

Red - Rosso (ROW-SOW)
Orange - Arancione (AR-ON-CHO-NAY)
Yellow - Giallo (JA-LOW)
Green - Verde (VER-DAY)
Blue - Blu (BLUE)
Purple - Porpora (PORE-PORE-UH)
Violet - Viola (VEE-OH-LA)
Pink - Rosa (ROW-ZA)
Brown - Marrone (MA-ROW-NAY)
Silver - Argento (AR-JEN-TOW)
Gold - Oro (OR-ROW)
Black - Nero (NER-ROW)
White - Bianco (BEE-AN-KOW)

One - Uno (OOH-NO)
Two - Due (DO-AY)
Three - Tre (TRAY)
Four - Quattro (KWAT-TROW)
Five - Cinque (CHIN-KWAY)
Six - Sei (SAY)
Seven - Sette (SET-TAY)
Eight - Otto (OH-TOW)
Nine - Nove (NO-VAY)
Ten - Dieci (DEE-EH-CHEE)


  1. Marie! I just created my own blog! Now we can blog together!!

  2. YAY! Super excited! 2 more months until we start our Italian adventures! :D
