
June 23, 2012

After the House Party

It took me forever to wake up this morning because my entire body was stiff. But last night was fun. I watched two of my friends get completely trashed and it was hysterical because they're funny drunks. But aside from those two, there was a good crowd. I met some new people, mingled, had a few drinks, played Twister, and got home safely at 1:30am. 

But now I'm stiff and it sucks. My entire body hurts from working out - my legs are killing me and, since I did some arm weights yesterday, my arms are killing me too - mainly my inner shoulders. Killing me. 

The party was fun though, I think everyone had a good time. I looked hot and met some guys. And I wasn't even buzzed since I was taking care of one of the drunks. So later on in the evening, I got to talk with all of them. 

It was a lot of fun. Mission accomplished :)

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