
June 20, 2012

End of June

I can't believe it's the end of June already! I feel so accomplished within the month and a half I've been home. I've been working my butt off, already saved a ton of money, and have achieved some simple goals of mine - signing up at a gym, buying myself a kindle, looking professional every day at work. Simple. 

I've also changed things in my life so that I don't stress as much, but I haven't been able to rid my life completely of stress. Who is? I still worry about my grandma. My worst fear right now is that she dies while I'm away in Italy. But I'm doing what I can right now to make these short moments count over the summer. I'm just preparing myself for the worst right now. I've gotten out of a relationship I didn't put 200% of my faith into, mainly because there was just not enough reason to trust him - at least, not enough trust when I'm leaving in 2 months. He didn't put his all into it. Oh well. We're out of each other's lives now and I will never see him again. And we're moving on. I'm not even sad. I haven't cried a tear. I wonder why...Now I take everything out at the gym.

I'm also worried about my health, but there isn't much I can do about that right now. For those of you who don't know, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease last July. July 15, 2011. I've been on a gluten free diet since, but the disease took a lot away from me. My weight, my height, my bones. I lost a lot and it's hard trying to make it right. So I'm nervous about the future blood tests I'm forced to take. But I have to make sure I don't have diabetes, or leukemia, or a lactose intolerance. I absolutely have to

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