
June 29, 2012

Summer Goals!

I got to hangout with my brother yesterday, which was nice since we're always so damn busy. We talked about how I recently joined a gym and I told him I've been going 4 or 5 days every week, trying to run 2 miles without stopping. He told me that there's a 5K the first week of August and that he's planning to do it...and I should join him. So here I am...single, small, skinny, 19 year old me...who is trying to complete 2 miles...asked to do a 5K. I decided I would do it because I know that would be the perfect goal before I leave for Italy, especially since I'll probably gain a billion pounds while I'm over there and my family will be forced to roll me off the plane when I get back...

But I'm going to try to do it. I went to the gym today and I can almost do 2 miles without stopping. Almost. I'm still working on it. I'm not a runner and I never have been. I can swim a mile or two...or three. But I can't run around the block. I know, it's pathetic. But I've been pushing myself at the gym which is great because I need a serious kick in the ass. 

I usually spend 45 minutes to an hour at the gym in one day. And I usually go around dinner time because I don't think many people will be there, since most of the people I've seen look like parents. But there are still the hot guys that are there when I am, that could toss me into another state if they wanted - and holy crap! These guys are HOT! I mean...



I love working out :)

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