
June 21, 2012

"Here's your sign!"

For months, I've been waiting for some kind of sign. Why? Because for the last few months, when I was in a relationship, I had a feeling in my core that something big was going to happen. It was either going to be absolutely wonderful or devastating. I did get my sign, which happened to be devastating. 

On the bright side, I've met new people. I've discovered some amazing things about myself and others. I've learned who my real friends are: my roommate, people from school, my co-workers, my family, and many many more. But it's good to know before I leave for Italy! 

My dad actually pulled me aside and gave me an unusual speech. He told me that I have some incredible standards in morals that he's never seen in any teenager. I consider myself a 70 year old stuck in a 19 year old's body. I swear. I feel like I've been through so much and I love taking care of people. I get to guide others through situations that they might not know how to get through on their own. So there I am! I've actually helped a ton of people - hence Social Work, but anyway...

My dad told me that my morals are incredible. I go to church every week. I love intensely and look for serious relationships, guys I intend to marry. Even relationships with friends are intense. If someone is a bad influence around me, I accept them anyway but don't hangout with them as much. And my dad actually recognizes all of this! He noticed it in high school when I recognized that the girls I hung out with were more interested in sex and drugs. And I made new friends.

He noticed it in guys I dated. Where I got over them when I realized how horrible they were to me. I've dated 4 guys. Ever. I dated a cheater, a manwhore, an abuser/manipulator, and a cheater/liar. NONE of these guys could keep up with me and I really need someone who can. But I have standards in a guy - I don't call it a "checklist" but I have standards in a guy!

Anyway, when I talked to my dad about the breakup, he was just disappointed - yeah. But also, he told me that he thought it was interesting how straight I was. When I mean "straight", I mean that I ended it in a "That's it, no more, I've had enough, goodbye" fashion. He thought it was a good interesting, that I was demanding in what I expect from relationships and dating. And I told him what I wanted in a relationship...

(Please see My Future Husband Post for more info on what I want!) 

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