
June 17, 2012

Party Time!

Time to stop being a little brat. I have to stop boo-hooing over the dbag guy who apparently isn't worth my time. I'm not going to make any rash dating decisions until January, when I'm back in DC and have fully enjoyed Italy! I'm moving on with life...

Happy Father's Day!
I have to say, I definitely have an awesome dad! There are a few things he's really good at that would totally surprise you! When I was little, I did Irish Step Dancing for years. He would curl my hair and do my makeup ridiculously well for competitions. He also knows how to color pictures in coloring books really well too, but only with crayons. I have no idea how he does it, but it always looks like the picture was printed from the computer, haha. 
He's also a really good cook - Penne Vodka Pasta is his specialty :) 

So Happy Father's Day to my daddy <3 

Aside from Father's Day, today is also my brother's Engagement Party! And I am so excited! There are so many people coming to our house today and I hope the weather will be fine. Of course I have to look amazing today so after I take care of grandma and go to mass, I'm coming right back to get ready. Because let's be honest - I love to look stunning. And I'll be 20 in September, plus most of the people coming today are people I barely see as it is. And I have to look awesome! 

I'm so happy for my brother, Joe, and his fiance, Katie. They are just too cute! I hope they're excited though. If it were my engagement party, I might be a little overwhelmed by all the people there. All the people I "have to talk to". But I'm nervous for them! I'm a bridesmaid though, so I have to keep everything totally calm for them. I can't wait! Hopefully I'll write a bit about the party later. 

Until then, enjoy Father's Day for all you fathers out there!

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