
June 29, 2012


I've had two horrible nightmares this week. One was about a phone call with my ex boyfriend, which was just strange because there hasn't been any contact between us since earlier this month. But I still woke up shaking and had a hard time getting back to sleep. However, this wasn't the dream that I was all that worried about. It was the one I had last night.

Recently, I found open internships for the CIA. I think working for the CIA as a secret agent, or anything else, would be super cool...and perfect for me since I'm physically great at blending into different situations. (I prefer to think of myself as the "Angelina Jolie" of America.) So one day, when I was taking a break at work, I found the website for the CIA and saw that they are looking for new interns, preferably college students who are interested in making a career of the CIA. I thought this would be perfect for me and I'm going to see what happens next summer. 

This idea is seriously ingrained in the back of my head. Last night I had a dream about investigating a crime scene. I was with another detective (I, myself, was a detective) and we were trying to find the man that stabbed and killed this young girl. It was like an episode of Law & Order. This male detective and I were looking for an African American man in this 30s who was a suspect, said an eyewitness in our case. We ended up going into this workplace, filled with African American men in their 30s, but one looked particularly upset. I signaled the detective with me to arrest him, but suddenly I felt a knife stab me in the back and realized he was his friend. We arrested the wrong man and I was stabbed. 

Then I woke up. It was 1:50am. I was drenched in sweat. I thought someone was in the house and started freaking out. Freaking out. So I slowly turned my light on, got out of bed, went to the bathroom across the hall and threw some cold water on my face and neck. I turned on more lights in the house to make sure no one else was there. I felt like I was being watched, it was strange. 

It took me an hour and a half to get back to sleep because I couldn't stop shaking long enough to feel my body relax. I don't know why I had that dream, but it was horrible. 

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