
July 29, 2012

23 Days - What's New?

What's new in my life? Well I've been contacting a ton of people since I came home - a lot of friends and family, plus the new people I've met since the summer began. I've been working out 4-5 days a week, running 12-15 miles a week. I've read 6 books: The Help, The Hunger Games Series (all 3 books), and the first 2 books of the 50 Shades of Grey Series. I just need to read the last one. All of these books are fantastic and everyone should read them! Especially the Hunger Games - I'm definitely a fan! 

I'm prepping for Italy - getting my paperwork together, getting copies and money ready, I have to contact T-Mobile this week about my phone, and I just started writing down where I plan to travel (hopefully I'll have enough money). I have a huge map on my wall of Italy and I'm putting red pins in the towns/areas I plan to travel. But I'm trying to guesstimate how much money I'll need and how I'll get there. Plus I might have some friends to travel with - otherwise I'm traveling alone, which should be alright since I'll understand enough Italian to make my way around. 

It's actually funny - I opened my brand new planner and went through the entire book, August 2012 - July 2013. I realized that I wrote down important days that my ex-boyfriend and I were supposed to be together or celebrate together and wrote them down first, along with American and Italian holidays & vacation days. Hahaha, I had to white them all out. I guess planning ahead was a mistake. Oh well!

I had a great vacation week and I'm not excited to go back to work first thing tomorrow, but today is my boss's birthday and I think we're celebrating tomorrow. I baked gluten-free cookies for him :) So I think it will be a great day! I'll dress up with my new tan! 

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