
July 9, 2012

The Bachelorette

The Bachelorette was on tonight. Since this season has had one amazing girl, I've been watching it. Emily is a young woman, and mother, who is extremely determined to find a husband and father for her 6 year old daughter. However, tonight I think she kicked off the wrong guy, Sean. I thought Sean was absolutely perfect for her. He was a great father figure when they showed how close he was with his young niece. He's buff and gorgeous and such a gentleman. I thought he was the perfect choice for her! Poor Sean! 

I have to remember what I look for in my future boyfriend, fiance, and husband. I want a strong man, not a boy. Gorgeous, handsome, protective of me. Loves me every moment and will always remind me of how much he loves me, even when I'm pissed off...really pissed off. I want a man who isn't afraid to brag to his friends about me. Or kiss me in public, or in front of his family. I love that stuff - it's so simple, yet so significant. I want to be someone's one and only. I don't want a guy who's been through countless girls. I don't want a manwhore or another dbag. I don't want a liar or a manipulator or a cheater. I want someone to be completely and totally honest with me. I'm not going to write you off the first second if you're honest with me when I ask you...the first time. I want someone who won't go behind my back and flirt with other girls. I want someone to love me for me. 

I can promise that the man that marries me will be the luckiest man in the world. The man who is willing to put up with my horrible days where I just scream at him and say the worst things in the world for 10 minutes...then apologize and have him hold me close because he loves me, even in my worst moments. Even when I sit around and cry. When I'm having really tough days. I want a best friend! The man that can be my entire support system, through job opportunities, deaths in the family, sickness, shopping & buying an apartment for both of us to live in. I want all of that. It's really cheesy and I'm old fashioned, but I love the little things.

I want to be texted first in the morning. I don't want to text him first every day because then it looks like he doesn't care. I want to hear his voice before I go to sleep every night. I want him to be excited about seeing me and I want him to be a little nervous whenever I'm around him because I would be nervous too. But I want to have fun. And trust. And love. 
I want to turn the tv on and leave it on while I make out with him for hours. And forget what time it is. I want to walk around with him...anywhere we can possibly go, at whatever time. Because I know he'll protect me with every ounce of his being. I want him to make me the center of his universe and plan everything around me...and US! I want to share my life with someone like that. 

It's hard to find a gentleman. Someone to hold doors for you. And buy things for you on dates. And just have fun. It's hard to find someone who won't cheat on you or lie to you. Because most guys do. It's true! I don't want to fall in love with someone just to find out they screwed me over more than once. I don't want that ever again. When a man is with me, they are either with ME or they aren't. And there are no more chances. When you've lost me, that's it. Goodbye. The end. Good luck with your sorry pitiful excuse for a life without my radiance in it. 

I want a man who won't run when I get mad. Who, even if I think it's over, will constantly keep proving to me that he's worth every second of my time. And that no matter how difficult life gets for either one of us, he will always remember that I love him completely. And even if I push him away, will be at my doorstep with flowers or letters or whatever in hand, prepared to give me a ridiculously (but much appreciated) monologue about why he will always stay by my side - because THAT, my friends, is TRUE LOVE!

But I need a man. My hero! I want my friends and family to love him. I want him to ADORE me! I want him to spoil me and visit me, wherever i am, every chance he got. I want him to be excited about Skyping me every day or calling me or texting me. Instead of some guy who sits around on his ass and never suggests anything of that sort. I want a provider and a lover. I want a super hero and a best friend. I want a man who can't keep his hands off me, but can still be discreet and know that physicality isn't the whole relationship. I want truth! And sustenance. 

I want a husband in a few years and the clock is ticking. I want to get married young and be married...once. And live a long, happy, loving life with the man of my dreams! I only plan to get married once. I'm never getting divorced. Ever. And I can't wait to have kids! I want to teach them Italian and help them learn. Bring them to church every week and make them gluten-free guinea pigs! I want all of that with someone and more! i want an athlete - someone who will kick my ass at the gym when needed. I want a chef and a singer. I want someone who isn't afraid to make a fool of himself by dancing with me. I want someone who isn't afraid to travel the world with me and make a billion beautiful memories together! 

Is this list long enough? There's still so much more! 

But I can't start any of this because no man like this exists. When I return to DC in January, I will be shocked if I ever find a man like this. 

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