
July 21, 2012


MEN SUCK. With a capital S-U-C-K. A ton of women have a ton of complaints about a TON of MEN! Why? Because they all suck in their own ways! Men are liars, cheaters, thieves, and plain assholes. Men suck. Men lie...constantly. Why is that? You don't need to impress us by LYING TO OUR FACES. You don't need to have a ton of money, you just need to financially support us! You don't need to have a bunch of big-name cars. We just want ONE CAR to get us from Point A to Point FRIGGIN' B! And be safe on our way home from work. We don't want to be told to "drop our ass to the floor" or that we're "dirty hoes" or to "make that ass clap" because frankly...that last one scares me. (If I ever see/hear a woman's ass clap, I'm throwing up right there and running away.) I don't have time for men's bullcrap anymore! 

Men - don't act like the alphamale every damn second. It's okay to be wrong. Just don't be an asshole about it. Women are independent, confident, intelligent, money making billionaires too! Yes, we can support ourselves - with an apartment, house, car, food, education or whatever. Yes, we do own some nice things but we ARE NOT constantly orange, draped in Gucci/Prada/Dolce, and walking around in $500 heels. We also don't prep for sex every day like Victoria's Secret thinks we do. (Seriously, WTF is her secret anyway? Was she actually a guy?) We don't catwalk around in hoe-style lingerie, throw lace all over our bodies, and call it a damn day!

Men should be respectful - offer to pay for us, but don't feel like you've been slapped across the face if we end up paying for ourselves. Hold/open the damn door for us. Seriously, who gave birth to you idiots?! Remind us we're beautiful - every day. Yes, we have imperfections and acne and rashes and sometimes all we want to do is sit around and cry all day because Judy from work thinks I'm fat. But we still want to know we're BEAUTIFUL! Not sexy, not gorgeous, not perfect. BEAUTIFUL! It's absolute!

Men should be excited about marriage. That's a joke now. Not a lot of guys want to get married. Instead they feel like pimping around, f---ing girls left and right. Carrying a box of condoms in their pants like it's their damn job. Enough already. Are you 17 with a backwards hat? NO. Grow up! A real man gets married, stays married, and enjoys being married. That's that! 

Don't hit on us unless you're seriously prepared to be with us. Don't talk about marrying us unless you're planning to marry us AND FOLLOW THROUGH! Don't talk if you aren't going to walk. Don't ask, "Did I watch this show with YOU?" because it makes it sound like you have no idea which girl you watched the show with and shows us that you're pimping around with a billion other girls and can't keep damn track. LIAR. Don't flirt with other girls - online or via text or in person. ASSHOLE. We check your texts and FB chat message - we aren't FRIGGIN STUPID! We know you cheat and lie to our faces. 

And there's no sex till there's a ring on my damn finger SO SCREW OFF!

I totally agree with Jenna Marbles in "Bounce that Dick".
I'm just gonna act like this from now on - LOLZ!

P.S. Amazingly perfect and honest guys out there, please don't tell me "I'm not him" because I've heard it before. And don't say "Don't blame all men on a few dbags" because I don't believe that crap either. Thanks :)

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  1. Anonymous7/22/2012

    The perfect guy isn't going to have to tell he's not like the dbags, b/c he'll prove it to you w/ his actions.

  2. Anonymous7/23/2012

    Perfect and honest guys won't have to tell you that they're not like the dbags in this world, they'll prove it to you with their actions.

  3. Anonymous7/24/2012

    The perfect guy won't have to tell you he's not like the other d- bags, he'll prove it to you with his actions

  4. Anonymous7/24/2012

    The perfect guy won't have to tell you that he's not like the other d-bags, he'll prove it to you with his actions
