
July 7, 2012

Home Stay!

I had a great day today, even though I woke up before 8am because of a nightmare that scared the hell out of me. My grandpa, who died in 2010, would have been 91 years old today! So happy birthday, grandpa! I miss you and if you were alive to celebrate today, I would make fun of you...cause you're super old. Haha, but I'd still bring Dunkin Donuts coffee and some cookies for you <3 

Work was great and tomorrow night will even be better because some of my regulars come in on Sunday nights! And I love that because it's nice to have real conversations with someone who stops by to see you and talk to you even though you're working. It's a nice break from the job! 

I also heard from CUA and I got information about my Home Stay family! I'm living with a woman named Rosa close to the school in Rome, Italy. And I can't wait to meet her! I'm SO EXCITED! 

Also, while taking care of grandma today (who has had a burst of surprising energy lately), she said something interesting to me that made me stop and think: "Marie, the day I stop putting on my makeup and stop styling my hair when I get up is the day that means I'm going to die very soon." And I'm not sure what to think about that. But I laughed when she said this...really hard. Because even when she was rushed to the hospital, she refused to see any doctors until her hair was curled and sprayed, and her makeup was finished. That's her routine and she's sticking to it! 

1 comment:

  1. Your grandma is the cutest thing! And so wise...
