
July 20, 2012

Technology SUCKS

I've recently been keeping up to date with all of my accounts - which are like a billion and two! I have a gym membership and an amazon membership and an iTunes/apple membership...and a lot of accounts like these. Which, I guess, is normal. Since I've been updating all of my accounts, I changed some usernames and all of the passwords. Which is technically what you're supposed to do every 6 months. So I changed the passwords to my emails. No big deal...WRONG.

I tried to log into my emails on my phone. For whatever recent, Google now hates me. My gmail account I've had for years refuses to open for me and keeps telling me my "username and password don't match". After I changed the password twice, I decided to screw it. I'll leave my email for my friggin' computer! But I think I should call Google - if that's even possible. They have to have some help line or something. 

So I'm going to call the nerds this week so I can log onto my email via my phone. Should've called it a STUPID PHONE! Not a Smart Phone!

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