
July 19, 2012

32 Days until Italy!

Only 32 more days until I leave the United States! It is very strange to think about now. Will the woman, Rosa, like me when I move into her home? Will I get lost? Or will I be able to make my way around Rome? I'm excited and nervous. Everyone warned me about the gypsies who rob you on the streets - the pick-pockets! And about the Italian men. They are supposedly aggressive and handsy. But I really don't care about either of those. I want to explore the country and use the language I've been studying for 6 years. I want to be fluent in their way of life! 

I'm taking July 23-29 off for my vacation time because it's the end of July and I haven't had much of a break all summer. I need a break before I leave for Italy because when August hits, I'll be all over the damn place - LOL. I'm heading to the Jersey Shore for some beach time! Hopefully I'll get some sun and spend all week in the water, but the storms we've been having in the Northeast lately have just been horrendous! It took me an hour to get home from work yesterday, which was ridiculous. It usually takes 30-40 minutes, but police decided to close the back road I take. But there was nothing wrong with the road! No flooding, no trees down, no fires. I have no idea why cops feel like shutting down roads for no reason! It's frustrating. 

Anyway, I'll get a nice break next week. Then my roommate, Emily, is coming to Jersey from Buffalo to stay for the weekend. I can't wait until she comes down, I miss her a lot and I have no idea what she'll do without me during the fall semester when I'm not there. I think she's going to have some serious separation anxiety - LOL. Especially since we've lived together for 2 years of college. Crazy!

I don't know what a couple people will do without me in the fall...

I'm also prepping for the 5k that I'm running with my brother in 2 weeks! My very first 5k! I've always wanted to do a triathlon but I'm not a runner. Since I joined the gym, and since my brother got me motivated to run with him, I decided why not! I'm just gonna live a little! It's 3.1 miles, I believe. I've been training for 2 or 3 weeks. 

Today I did 3.3 miles, which was great because I had a lot to sweat out. And wayyy too much energy! Yes - I ran AND walked, if you must ask me. Usually I stop at 2.5 or 2.6 and cool down. But I kept going tonight, which was awesome because now I know how to plan my stamina to keep up. I'm tricking my body into believing I'm a track star...when I'm really not. 

Here's to hoping!

Stay classy, San Diego ;)

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