
July 16, 2012

July 8-13

I haven't written in a while and I've been kicking myself for it because so many things happened this week! Here we go!

July 8 - Sunday:
The regular day - wake up early to go to grandma's house. Have breakfast with her, leave for church, work Bingo from 1-9pm, go back to grandma's to help her get ready for bed, go home. 

But she said to me, "You look good. Too good. Make sure the guys don't pinch your behind!" To which I gave her a puzzled look and laughed.

July 9 - Monday:
My alarm decides not to work. Instead of waking up between 7am and 7:15am, I wake up at 9:20am. I arrive at work Monday to Thursday at 8:30am and leave at 4:30pm so it was a small glitch in my day. Which is not so pleasant, especially for a Monday morning. But the rest of the day was fine and I went to the gym after work. 

July 10 - Tuesday:
I left for work, drove 15 minutes into the next town. Realized I forgot my laptop - which is vital for my job. Drove back home to get it and drove to work. At the end of the day, I drove home. Was looking for my phone on the drive home, pulled my purse (which was in the back seat) from the bottom and all my accessories fell into the back of the car. Awesome.

So I get home and I'm still looking for my phone. Can't find it. Tear my car apart and check my purse - still no phone. I forgot my phone at work. Awesome. I drive back (on my way to the gym) to drop my sister off, who also works at the same place. My phone is not at my workplace. It's sitting in the depths of the cup holder in the back of my car. How did I find it there? My sister called my phone while I was in the car looking for it. Thank heavens it wasn't dead and on vibrate. Went to the gym.

Weird week, right?

July 11 - Wednesday
Bingo and work. Better day. Gym.

July 12 - Thursday
Day off to go to Hurricane Harbor with a boy friend and my sister, who decided to forget she was wearing jean shorts when she went into the wave pool. What's even dumber is that my boy friend and I had no idea she was still wearing them. Awesome day. Went Bridesmaid dress shopping with my brother's fiance at night. 

July 13 - Friday
Day off. Spent all day shopping for new clothes with my sister. Stopped at Burger King for lunch and dropped my credit card at the drive thru...TWICE. Went bridal gown shopping with my brother's fiance at night :)

Weirdest week ever...then I found $5...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/16/2012

