
July 26, 2012

Ocean City, NJ

26 days until Italy!
Stories about Russian chocolatiers, the Jersey Shore & being naked outside after a shower...yes, this is my life.
I felt that I deserved time away from everything - all the crap, work, thoughts, the broken feeling my ex left, etc. I just wanted to get away for a bit. Thanks to my generous brother and his fiance, my family was invited to Ocean City, NJ for a bit. I took off from work - and basically life - for a week. My vacation started Monday morning. Dad took the dog to the kennel, I packed up my car, and the two of us headed to Ocean City - 1 hour and 45 minutes away. My mom and my sister left Sunday afternoon so they were already there a day before us. 

The drive was nice - at least for me. My dad thinks I drive like Batman in his friggin' Batmobile. "Slow down! Slow down!" It's the Garden State Parkway - they're practically begging me to go faster. We got there safe and sound, though. To Ocean City! And as soon as I drove part way over the brand new bridge outside of the most gorgeous area of NJ, I sped up to 80mph when I saw the huge ferris wheel (from the Ocean City carnival on the boardwalk). I was sooo excited!

The last time I was in Ocean City, I was there for a huge family reunion in a big beach house. I was dating someone else. I was a freshman in high school. It was a great time! I was able to hangout with my cousins. But this time was different - more fun because it was more intimate. Just my parents, my sister, my brother & his fiance, and me. It was great! Monday after we got there, we hit the beach. And I got burned. Not as bad as it could be, but I'm still a little sore. And red, hahaha. 
We spent hours at the beach, came home for a shower, and went out to dinner after relaxing a little at the house. We went to the Chatterbox restaurant, a few blocks from the house. 

Now the last time I went to the Chatterbox, I was a baby, maybe a toddler. It's a pink restaurant so you can't really miss it in Ocean City. It's off the boardwalk in town. Such a cute place - WITH CHOCOLATE COKE! (Try it - it's delicious!) I was a baby, flirting with dark haired men at this restaurant. My parents love that story. 

We also went to the beach every day after that. And went to a restaurant called The Shore Thing for dinner one night - where my brother ate something that was a cheeseburger between 2 grilled cheeses...weird. We went down the street for ice cream one night and another night we went to the Kohr Bros. ice cream place on the boardwalk - delicious! 

I bought a little white dress on the boardwalk and a shirt that says I pooped today! for my grandma. I got dark chocolate covered caramel candy with sea salt from a cute and very forward Russian guy. When I walked in the store, he took one look at me and says "I'll help you when you're ready miss!" He didn't make me pay full price, murmured some funny things to make me laugh, and winked at me when I left. Okay, really...who could ignore such a cute guy? He tried!

I played Haunted Mini Golf with my brother and his fiance. I bought some Italian gelato on the boardwalk. And almost got caught naked on the back deck after a shower. Whoa, did that happen?

I was outside on the back deck after going to the beach one day. There was a little wooden door that was the entrance/exit of the shower. After showering, I asked mom, who I thought was still outside, if she could pass me my towel. But she was inside the house in the shower. So I needed a towel...but to get it, I had to open the little wooden door to the shower. So I opened it, walking outside naked, covered myself...and then noticed the old guy, the neighbor from next door.


He asked me if I went to the beach, to which I said yes. And scrambled into the house to get dressed. Awesome, right?

Weirdest vacation ever. But I'm tan and relaxed :)

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