
July 6, 2012


Today was a gorgeous day! It was super hot out. It was the last day of teaching my 3rd graders and I will miss all of them! I could not have asked for a better class! As a thank you, I got flowers and chocolate from my kids. I hope I'll see them again next year, maybe when I teach for the 3rd year! 

I also went to the gym today because I wasn't able to last night and I can't during the weekend. I found a new machine that I had...a little too much fun with. And I can already feel that I'll be regretting it tomorrow. But I did 2.25 miles on the treadmill without tripping over myself this week, haha! I'm slowly prepping for Italy, got a nice portion of my room/paperwork sorted out, and I feel accomplished!

I'm starting to make a list of things I need for Italy pants. Apparently I don't have many of those left and in Italy, they expect that you will walk into placed with shoulders and knees covered. This will be difficult for me because I HATE the heat and I like wearing loose, sleeveless clothing.  But I don't want to look too American.

Eric Church <3

The Vow... Paige's Vow

formal.  anyway  .  .
  Drake, drake, drake.

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