
August 5, 2012

15 Days Left!

I have created my list of everything I need for Italy - at least all I can think of. I'm reading the 3rd book of the 50 Shades Trilogy, which hopefully I will have finished before I leave. But on Thursday, I ran a 5k in NJ. I've been training since June almost every weekday - doing 3.5 miles. A 5k is 3.1 miles. I ran this 5k with my older brother and younger sister. Of the 3 of us, guess who came in first? I did :) I ran 3.1 miles in 31:33 (31mins & 33 seconds!) which was a huge goal for me since I'm not a runner at all. But it was fun and I had a ton of people cheering me on. Next year, I'm aiming to do a triathlon - a beginner one. Start small :)

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