
August 22, 2012

Roma: Day 1

Everyone is going back to DC for school. And where am I? Chilling in my hotel room. In my underwear. In Rome. How awesome! (There's a reason I'm in my underwear, don't worry. I'll cover it later. No pun intended.) I flew out of NY around 8pm on Tuesday night. I got through security and all that just fine - thank GOD. I got my ticket, got my seat, got my blanket & pillow, got my little tv all set up. We're ready for the runway when the captain says we have to go back because they miscounted and forgot a passenger. FORGOT A PASSENGER. They had his/her luggage, but he/she was not on the plane. So lucky little me had to go back to the docking area and sit for another 30-60 minutes. 

Prior to my flight, I also lost my passport. I woke up at 9:30 on Tuesday freaking out because I thought I didn't have all the paperwork I needed. I called my poor friend Shannon before 10am (sorry, Shannon) & we spent a good hour or so freaking out to each other over the phone. I was so fed up in the morning that I just wanted to curl up in a ball in my bed and cry until it was ready to leave, but I couldn't. So I manned up...and went to the gym - lol. I sweat all the stress off so when I got home I just showered, took a nap, and I was better. Much better. But packing and re-packing and re-packing is just aggravating on so many levels. (I found my passport. It was under my copier cause I was trying to make copies, but something went wrong & I completely forgot. Yeah, thanks Kiera.)

So my flight took off. Unfortunately for me, I was in the center section of the plane. Ya know, that stupid section of 4 or 5 seats that can't see anything outside...ever?? Yeah, I was there. And some guy and his girlfriend came in after me. He put both their bags up and went to sit down next to me when his girlfriend yelled at him in Italian & got all fussy because she didn't want him sitting next to me. Smut. I don't care, more room to sleep for me. But they thought I didn't speak Italian. So when she was yelling, I was asking if he wanted help putting the bags up and her jaw dropped - lol. If you want to see an Italian woman mad, make it look like you don't know when you're talking about. Then talk to her man in Italian paragraphs. It's hilarious!

She was so fussy for the whole 7-8 hour flight that he felt bad for her. So they were making out 2 seats next to me. And when I mean "make-out", I mean every. thirty. seconds. Without breathing. I wasn't sure whether to be impressed or be the third-wheel. 

Landing in Rome was nice. And hot! OMG is it hot here! That's why I'm sitting in my underwear writing this! I got my luggage & found my driver, Marco. And sweet baby Jesus, are these men gorgeous! My driver Marco was dark-haired, tan, adorable. We spoke (in Italian) on the way to the hotel. I asked him if he had always lived in Italy and what his favorite part of Rome was. He told me that he's always in lived in Italy, in Rome specifically. His favorite part of Rome is il centro, or the main city/center. Where all the life is. He also recommends going to Trastevere for happy hour - lol. Ya know, cause the drinking age is 16 now ;)

Then I got to the hotel, which is a bed & breakfast. But whatever - I call it a hotel. I met the main guy, Raul, who is also tall, tan & gorgeous. He gave me a map and told me ALL of the places to go to in Italy. They're all in walking distance, which is excellent. After taking a long nap, I went off to walk around the blocks nearby. There are a TON of shops. Tommy Hilfiger & The Body Shop are 2 places I already know from back home. But I thought there would be a lot more food places. If all else fails, there's a McDonald's down the street - lol. 

(Please checkout all photos from today on my FB page. Album "Doing as the Romans do!")

1 comment:

  1. katie fox8/23/2012

    So many adventures in such a short time!
