
August 23, 2012

Roma: Day 2 - Evening

Nothing too extraordinary happened tonight. I'm currently sitting on my bed in my hotel room watching a music video channel, which has already played "Oh Love" by Green Day & "Celebrate" by Mika. Apparently Italians are into decent American music. It isn't just on tv either. They play American/English music from restaurants too, which loudly belts out for the drivers to hear.

I just got back a little while ago from Castel Sant'Angelo, which is a lot bigger than I thought. I wasn't feeling too well today, but I took a long nap and decided to get some fresh Roman air. I walked around the Castel Sant'Angelo. I didn't go inside today though. I went when the sun was setting. I walked around. Tons of tents are set up during the day, selling food, gelato, books, jewelry, posters, other keep-sakes, and clothes. There were tons and tons of vendors around the Castle. I leaned over the bridge and took photos of the river. A couple had just gotten married and their wedding photos were being taken on the bridge when I was crossing - lucky me! They were gorgeously dressed & too cute! 

I bought a huge salad & brought it back to the hotel to eat because a bee chased me out of my chair by the bridge. 

Checkout my photos on Facebook!

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