
August 6, 2012

2 more weeks!

Only 2 more weeks left and I'm super excited! I basically have everything I need, I just need to pack it up which might pose as a challenge. But it's worth it! I've started re-studying my Italian, just to refresh myself. I'm getting together with tons of friends before I leave, I'm mainly seeing 3-4 friends a week which is crazy! I have a ton of "last days" coming up, especially at work and I'm having my simple family birthday celebration the night before I leave. I know I haven't written much in a while but I've been so busy, running all over the world for copies of things and for work. For now, I'm back to working out at the gym every day after work. But I also have to start working on my Italian. I'm also still working on my list of what I need, but I will put that up for those of you who need it! 

Have no fear - I cover everything for my "packing list" in great detail :)

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