
January 26, 2013


Out of nowhere, some college students decided to create "University Crush" Pages on Facebook. Loyola's would be "Loyola Crush", Howard's would be "Howard Crush", and so on. I honestly can't decide whether they're one of the best pages ever created on Facebook, or a creative cop-out. The point of these pages is to anonymously post your thoughts on someone you have a crush on. So basically, you're telling this anonymous person what you aren't telling the person you have the crush on. And anonymous person posts it for all to see, and also tags the person you wanted to say these things to...but didn't. I mean, it's creative - sure. But if someone likes me, I'd want him to tell me. In person. Not in some creepy text. 

I enjoy creativity and chivalry. If you just walked up to me and said, "I think you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen" and walked away, I'd give you more credit than the guy who's busy admiring me from afar on campus. Without saying anything. I think guys misunderstand these things? I don't know.

I'm not saying that ALL guys are like this - heavens, no! Some guys say what they mean & mean what they say, which makes life SO much easier for us, females. Trust me. But guys are difficult and I don't know why. They say they like you, but you see them with someone else. Then he just stops talking to you altogether. Which is weird, why are you wasting her time? Or he plays the "best friend" role & you know you like each other, but he just won't make a damn move! Guys are weird.

So before Valentine's Day, make sure you TELL your lady/man how you feel about them! No matter how silly or stupid you might feel while doing it, it's better to know - to honestly know - than to assume or guess. Or let it all pass without doing anything and asking yourself "what if?"

The only reason I'm writing this post is because in the last couple months, I've been listening to all these stories from my girl friends who liked some guy and then something dumb happened. 

So here's the main point, to put it simply:
(1) If you like someone, just tell them. Honestly. Tell them everything you feel for them.
(2) Never ever EVER lead someone on. EVER. You look like a dbag and you're just wasting time. Plus that's super unfair.
(3) Girls and guys do these things, don't get me wrong. It's just that I've heard more about dbag guys recently than dbag girl stories from my guy friends.
(4) If you like someone, don't have another guy/girl on the side. That's a stupid move & when the person you're leading on finds out, you're screwed.

Follow these and you won't regret it.


  1. Anonymous1/27/2013

    Some guys are afraid. Afraid that if they profess their feelings, and the girl won't express those feelings in return. Some may say it's better to go for it and know than to keep wondering. But if you go for it, than you know now and lose the hope you had before you showed your emotions

  2. Though some girls might not express the same feelings in return, I still think it's better to know. Trying is better than to not try, even if it ends in rejection. But even if he DOES get rejected, he has an answer. Even if he doesn't like it. Girls sometimes do the same thing - express their emotions to a guy they've had a crush on and get rejected because he doesn't feel the same for her.

    It's bold. And you get your answer. As for hope, it comes and goes as it's needed.
