
January 15, 2013

V-Day Prep

I love Valentine's Day. Actually, I love love. (Yes, I meant to type "love" twice.) Every year, my dad is my Valentine - I know, "awwwww!" But really. Every 14th of February - at least when I was home - he would leave a little box of chocolates at my breakfast place before I left for school. And maybe a card too. My mom was different, she always attacked my lunch box - the poor vulnerable lunch box. Anyway, my mom would buy special napkins and leave notes and all that in my lunch box. Now I'm 20, single, and have no Valentine.

It kinda sucks though - I mean there are my parents (my dad will bring my mom flowers sometimes), my little sister has a boyfriend, and then there's my brother and his fiance. The weirdest thing ever was being home for Christmas. I was playing 7th wheel. SEVENTH! WHO DOES THAT!?

Anyway, I'm not bitter. I'm just not ready, I guess. I think God has a plan for me and my Valentine isn't included right now. Being single is probably the best for me cause I'm too independent for my own good...sometimes. But I don't get pissed off. You won't see me all over Facebook screaming "SINGLE'S AWARENESS DAY!" through my status because that's just rude. I can't stand when people do that.

Valentine's Day isn't about celebrating because you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband, fiance, or whomever. It's about celebrating with daughters, sons, between siblings (like me and my sister), grandparents, and whomever else there is in your life - yes, including your very best friends. It isn't just a reason to get slutty. Or beg someone to date you. It isn't about any of that and I can't stand when people turn it into one big hate-fest for singles. It pisses me off. I still love people even though I don't have a boyfriend - I love my brother and sister, my grandma and my parents, and all of my friends. 

So please shut up next month on Facebook. I don't wanna read that single's crap.

Valentine's Day isn't an excuse to love someone for ONLY THAT PARTICULAR DAY. You should love your wife, husband, fiance, gf/bf, partner, whomever on every day that ends in "y" - yes, I know it's an old joke. But seriously, whether you're single, taken, married, divorced, gay, straight, or just a love hater, you need to take a step back and say, "I actually really care about this person. I should show them more and often. How can I do that?"

So think about that for a while. 

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