
January 16, 2013

Why my dad should never listen to rap music. Ever.

My dad is weird. His new favorite song is "Thrift Shop" by Mackelmore.

If you haven't heard it yet, you should at least once. I heard it for the first time very recently and thought...WHAT IS THIS CRAP???

So the song came on maybe 3x when we were driving to DC from NJ - about 4 hours. And my dad thought he knew enough of the words to sing along to the song...wrong. Horribly. Horribly. Wrong.

He was too cute, though. Laughing at the wholeee song in the car. And he butchered the words at the end when the little girl says, "Is that your grandma's coat?" Instead he said, "Is that your grandma's toads?"


So yesterday, while I was on the metro back to campus from my first day of interning, he texts me: "I got the lyrics down! Call me Patrickmore!"

Dear Lord.

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