
January 15, 2013

My Hilarious Life the First Week Back!

Here's a quick run through of everything that's happened in the last week in the life of Marie:

1 - Found out my dad's favorite song is "Thrift Shop". It was a long car ride to DC on Saturday...

2 - Landed an amazing internship which I started today! It's absolutely fantastic! Everyone is so nice and the facility is awesome! Though I got the rain...

3 - Spent a solid 4 hours with Tony, Connor, Emily (all 3 I've been close with since freshman year of college) and Christine, another lovely friend of mine. It was one hilariously stupid hell of a night. But I missed them so much!

4 - While moving in Saturday, forgot to pack the coax cable for the tv and bought the wrong cable at Target. #Fail

5 - Fell in love with Spotify. Though this is slowly turning into a love/hate relationship.

6 - Realized there are a bagillion hot guys on campus (WHERE THE HELL DID THEY COME FROM!? WAS THERE A HOT GUY BUS I MISSED LAST SEMESTER!?) and there are a ton of people I don't know on campus. Actually, scratch that - I'm pretty sure I know like 20% of my school.

7 - All my classes so far have been amazing. If you've ever seen 10 Things I Hate About You with the gorgeous (RIP) Heath Ledger, one of my professors has the personality like the black English teacher in the movie. SOOO FUNNY, but it makes his class/him super awesome!

8 - Ballroom starts up again next week and I'm totally nervous since I haven't been on the dance floor since April and I have a ton of new students to meet! But I can't wait!

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