
January 14, 2013

Having Best Friends

Well, I'm all moved into my single room in DC. I just had my first class this morning. It feels a little weird being back in DC. I've forgotten the name of a few buildings (yes, it happens but I figured it out) and I realized that I don't really know a ton of people on campus, which is strange. However, I HAVE caught up with a few friends I've seen since I moved in on Saturday. But I have to say, I like fresh starts.

They changed a few things on campus and I don't know any of the freshman, but that's fine. I spent maybe 4 hours last night in my room with a couple amazing friends. And here's what I have to say to all my friends:

Thank you - for everything. For being there, for making fun of me when I do something stupid, for being supportive. I've had friends asking me to dinner already, making plans to go out with me, and just asking me how my day is! It feels great! I missed everyone so much and I'm so grateful for my time here at school. So thanks for hanging out with me, making spring break plans with me, going out with me for coffee, inviting yourselves over to my room, and just asking how my day is. I love it all and I don't regret a second of the time I spend with ANY of my friends. 

So thank you.

That being said, I officially landed my internship in DC which is fantastic because I start first thing tomorrow morning and I am really REALLY nervous. Being nervous for your first day is totally normal, but I have no idea what to wear and I don't want to be late - apparently this facility is about 35 mins from me and I have no choice but to suffer through metro transportation, which has been temperamental lately (as least that's what I've heard). 

I just wanted to write up a quick post to update everyone about my life, but there are more stupid and strange stories so stay put for more this week!

It will most likely be about college, boys, relationships, and the random things that have happened to me recently.

Ciao for now :)

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