
January 24, 2013

My Job: Week 2 Completed

Since I was in [maybe] preschool, I had this huge lady-crush on Princess Diana of Wales. (I swear there's a point to this story.) I specifically remember going to "library class" in grammar school and picking out the same book every week to read/look through. It was a big book, but it was thin. It was dark blue and had a large photo of the lovely Princess Diana on the cover. The librarians never let anyone else take the book out except me; they practically had it on infinite reserve for me.

I signed that book out 73 times. In a row.

I remember she was amazing.
I remember my mom laughing every time I brought that book home.
I remember her funeral on TV the same year my sister was born.

I'll never forget it.

I never cared for her sons - I was never interested enough in them to fantasize about being "Mrs. Princess William/Harry of [enter region-with-too-many-vowels here]". But I loved Diana. 

She was gorgeous. She had her head held high even when she felt her worst. She wanted to help people who needed help.

And I always admired her for it.

I work in DC, incase you haven't been following along or if I made it really difficult to understand. I landed an internship working at a facility for women. I work 8 hours a week. I help women who are in recovery from whatever their particular situations are (homelessness, drug addicts/recovering alcoholics, etc.). I help with software, computer classes, job applications, and a ton more in between. 

I've had some great highs. There was a client I worked with on filling out an online application for a job. She wasn't sure how to upload her resume` to the online application, so I taught her how. It took maybe 10 or 15 minutes, but that's what I'm there for. When she was leaving the office, after she was all done on the computer, she found me and said, "Thank you so much for taking time to help me. It really means a lot."

There's another woman I work with, who loves applying to new jobs. She's very confident and knows she has the potential for a great job. Another one of my responsibilities is to take care of a huge billboard for new job postings. The job postings on the board weren't updated - they were from November and December. Some were from January, but there were very few. So I updated the board. I printed out about a dozen new job listings and posted them on the board. This woman came running toward me, all excited, and started asking about the postings. "Oh my gosh! I want to apply for these! Are they new? OMG THEY ARE! Will there be more!?" So every time she sees me walking in the hallway, she runs up to the board and asks if I'm putting up more job postings.

Both of these were great moments because I know they're grateful for my help. But to see their eyes light up because of job postings, it's unbelievable. It's a great feeling that I can't explain. 

All I can say is that I'm glad I'm part of it.

And I'm glad I admired Diana for it. Now I'm part of it too.

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