
January 21, 2013

Caution: This is slightly depressing

Oddly enough, the first week back to school hasn't been that great. And that really sucks because I thought it would be. I thought everyone would be excited to see me again, and that I would be able to talk about my semester in Italy and what I've done/seen over there. And some people have asked me, but some people have just been flat-out rude.

I have some amazing friends, don't get me wrong. I'm living by myself in a single room that is really nice, and I enjoy my building. Plus the building I'm living in is in the center of campus, so it isn't far to my classes. Or work. But there are some people who just don't give a flying fig and I have no idea why. One person I know hasn't asked about my semester abroad. At all. Which pisses me off because it feels like she doesn't give a crap about anything I have to say - which she doesn't anyway, it seems. She interrupts every time I'm talking to someone because she's conceited and enjoys bringing the attention back to herself. She also brings me down by picking on me and she always HAS to be right. 

In the first week, she has done a list of things and I honestly don't know if I can hangout with her anymore. It feels like I didn't see her much anyway.

I don't know if other people are jealous that I studied abroad while they can't because of their major, or cause of finances - I don't know and it's not my business. But seriously - stop hating on me because I went to Italy. I feel like instead of hating, you could make a mental note of the things I did and the places I went. Maybe you could spend time there AFTER college, or over the summer, or study abroad for a few weeks during the summer. But don't take your anger out on me because I'm an Italian Studies Minor and I accomplished my dream - living in Italy & exploring the country.

Your jealousy is NOT my problem. Knock it off.

I also noticed that I was more appreciated in Italy. Everyone was supportive, even if you didn't know them. They didn't kick you out of restaurants because you're spending too much time there. They wanted everything to do with you and I guess people in America aren't as...inclusive as people in Italy. 

Usually people say hi to you while you're walking around town. Men stare at you or just tell you that you're gorgeous. Everyone there is just honest and it shows. People here aren't mean or horrible - that's not what i mean. I just mean that Americans seem to stare at the ground and rush around everywhere. They don't say hi to anyone unless they know them, and even then, the other person might not acknowledge them.

Americans aren't entirely inclusive. Both are awesome groups of people - I'm not hating on Americans - I'm just saying that the appreciation isn't totally there.

But I've been a little depressed this week. I feel incredibly lonely and I don't know why. I feel like the "friends" I had are flaking out and people changed while I was gone. Coming back to DC brings amazing memories from the last 2 years I spent here and I absolutely LOVE DC. (I've noticed I'm a huge city girl.) And I'd love to go on a long rant about how amazing and beautiful DC is, but I'll save that one for another time. 

I'm getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. People I know are turning against each other or there's a ton of drama. And I missed all of it. I can't even keep up with this crap anymore. Guys like me then they don't. Friends trust me then they don't. I don't even know anymore. Everyone is changing their minds every day and I can't keep up.

I just need a solid group of true friends who won't flake out on me & be completely and totally supportive. That's all I need.

And for the friends that have been supportive and have helped me adjust to everything, thank you for being there. 


  1. Anonymous1/21/2013

    Whenever people bring you down, we lose sight of the good things and people in life. Focus on the good and leave out the bad. You're an amazing individual and deserve to be surrounded by quality people

  2. I am certainly trying my best :)
