
January 22, 2013

Challenge Week 3

It's about that time! The last weeks of January 2013! I'll start responding to questions tomorrow and end on Jan 31st at midnight!

You know the rules -- there are none.

Ask as many questions as you like about anything & everything and I will get back to you!

Happy Interrogating ;)

-- M


  1. Anonymous1/22/2013

    What is your most vivid memory? Doesn't have to be from Italy. But a memory that when you close your eyes you can picture yourself there

  2. Anonymous1/25/2013

    How do you picture your life 5 years from now? I realize that's the kind of question you get at school, but I'm curious. How do you hope your life will end up?

  3. There's a girl I like, she's smart, funny, and really cute. I enjoy the time I spend with her, but I'm not sure if there is anything there. How exactly should I go about approaching this girl? I don't want to ruin our friendship either. I just want to know how she feels

  4. Anonymous1/30/2013

    If you could date any fictional character, from either television or literature, who would it be? Explain please :)
