
February 14, 2013

The Return

Dear Readers,

I'm back. I know I haven't been writing much. Actually, I haven't written anything in almost a month. So let's play catch up, shall we?

Exercise: I've slowly been getting back into shape. Right now, I'm running about 2.5 miles - 3 days a week. I'm training for a 5k. I'm not sure which 5k to run yet since the 2 in DC that I was thinking about joining are both on days of final exams. But that's okay. I'm also slowly rebuilding my swimmer muscles. And oh man, it is difficult to get back into shape! Last time I went to the pool was about 2 weeks ago with a friend and I think I swam about 750 meters. I actually lost count, but I know it was over 700. I'm also back to Ballroom Dancing at school. However, I'm without a partner. 

Food: I've been cooking a lot this semester which is great since I'm gluten free, it's a healthier decision, and my meal plan is really expensive. It's going well and I enjoy it. It's actually a great stress reliever. 

Work: My internship is great. I work in DC for 8 hours a week, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I work at a facility that helps homeless and low income women by empowering them. I teach classes to help with job skills and assist with job applications. And anything else that relates to the women getting a job.

There are rumors I might be offered a sort-of translating job and may be assisting a company over the summer. Which requires me to fly out to California. Again, all this is rumored. 

Social Life: I've made time to go out. I saw Zero Dark Thirty with friends and thought it was pretty good. Though I think we should have a parade or something by thanking people that do things for our country. I don't think Memorial Day or July 4th are enough, honestly. 

Between running the Ballroom Dance program, working, classes, and whatever else I need to do, I'm still single. That probably won't change for a while. I enjoy playing Miss Independent right now and I really don't think anyone can keep up with me right now. I'm confident and happy. That's what matters.

I'm glad I can hold my own right now. Some people are getting on my nerves, but that's life. I've been dealing with things as they go and so far, everything has been working out.

Happy Valentine's Day ;)

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