
February 15, 2013

If I could travel (more)

A friend of mine is spending his semester in Poland and the other day we were talking about places to travel to. Assuming I'll have an infinite amount of time to travel after college, I already have some ideas about where I want to go. There are a ton of places I'd like to see in Italy that I wasn't able to see while I was there last semester, but there are also places outside of Italy I want to see. So here's the list, in no particular order:

(1) Morocco

Morocco Morocco

(2) India

India Taj Mahal, Agra, India

(3) Bali, Indonesia

Sanur, Bali, Indonesia Beautiful Bali, Indonesia! Absolutely stunning

(4) France

france Versailles

(5) Germany

Germany Germany

(6) Egypt

Egypt Egypt.
(7) Prague

Prague Prague

(8) Brazil

Rio, Brazil Rio, Brazil

(9) Ireland

Ireland. Ireland

(10) Scotland

Scotland scotland

(11) England

England London #London, #travel, #BigBen,

(12) Israel

Israel Israel

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