
February 15, 2013


In Catholicism, Lent are the 40 days before Easter during which Catholics can give something up, symbolizing a sacrifice. Granted, giving up Starbucks for 40 days doesn't come close to the equivalent of Jesus' crucifixion and death on the cross. The point is that we understand what it means to make a sacrifice. 

Lenten Sacrifices include (but aren't at all limited) to:

HA! Pope resignation joke.
Just kidding. But really.

You can GIVE UP:
- cursing
- caffeine
- sugar
- candy in general
- soda
- Starbucks
- fast food
- procrastination
- ditching class
- Facebook and other social media
- taking the elevator --> use the stairs instead

- texting --> call people instead
- alcohol
- smoking
- meat
- chocolate
- sleeping in
- spending too much money over the weekend
- lying
- gossip
- stress
- clutter
- TV
- computer use

The list becomes lengthy very quickly. I stopped giving things up for Lent after maybe 8th grade because I figured improving myself would be better.

Things you can ADD during Lent:

  • Going to Mass more than once a week
  • Praying the Rosary
  • Attending weekly Stations of the Cross
  • Making time for personal prayer with the Lord
  • Praying with your family
  • Going to Confession
  • Quiet time
  • Commitment to exercise
  • Making time for your spouse/children
  • Sacrificing for your spouse/children
  • Affirming those around you (daily or weekly)
  • Being a better friend
  • Staying positive
  • Volunteering
  • Works of Mercy (feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, etc.)
  • Tithing
  • Getting enough sleep at night
  • Being on time

    Good luck!


  1. Anonymous2/16/2013

    Thanks, I needed this. I gave up youtube videos for lent. I know it's only been a couple of days, but it has been killing me! This post refirms my stand against wasting my time on youtube. Hope your lent makes you an even better person! :)

  2. YouTube videos! That's a great one! Good luck! :)
