
February 25, 2013


I'm all over the place this semester. I love being busy because I'm a fast paced person - don't even think about an "in bed" reference. Being busy keeps me sane and makes me feel important. If I'm sitting around somewhere for 3 hours with nothing to do, there's a problem. And I'll most likely make it known.

I love making lists, schedules, or whatever else I can write down. That's how I live - by schedules. Now that I'm writing about this, I would certainly make an awesome princess! They're on schedules all day - I assume. Anyway...

Having things to do constantly is great. Now that I have more to do and I'm not in high school anymore, I know how to handle the stress. It's called a treadmill. And we've been great friends in the last year. But I know how to handle everything. That's why I'm a good leader and have a great work ethic. At least I think so. I get things done! I have a "no nonsense policy" which makes me, quite frankly, one hot and very badass worker. And I've had friends tell me how intimidating I seem at first. I feel like I'm on top of the world!

I do well in school, I workout (and work hard), and I have a great job! Whether I'm working at home over the summer or in school working, it's all the same. I can't wait until I graduate college, get a big girl job in the real world, and have my own place. Then I'll really be running things. But I do a lot now without entirely overwhelming myself.

Yes, I have my moments where I need to call my mom or dad and freakout for a half hour. I have really crappy days too where I need to sit in a friend's room and take out a pint or two of vanilla ice cream. Or cry, whichever comes first. Maybe even at the same time. But it's all the same - I still feel like I'm running the world and it feels amazing!

The fact that I'm 20 with the independence and maturity of an 80 year old is rare.

Mind over matter

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