
March 3, 2013

March Madness

I'm back home for Spring Break! I won't be heading back to DC until the weekend of 3/10 so my life will be kinda boring. But I did end up going for a 2 mile run last night with my dog - which I thought wouldn't be a huge deal.


I have a dog, Becky, a gorgeous German shepherd. She's getting older now and I feel bad because whenever I'm home, she just looks so depressed. So I make her go outside and run around and all that. Last night, I took her out for a 2 mile run and this poor dog almost had a heart attack. Surprisingly, she was slowing me down. Granted, she doesn't get the exercise she deserves...but still! She's so energetic around the house that I thought she would love running with me! Maybe I'll just put her through training this week.

Funny story time:

A friend of mine was heading home for Spring Break, but had to take the metro in DC first. While she was on the metro, a black guy sitting near her said, "Are you 18 and have a boyfriend? Cause if you're 18, I'm interested." To which she responded with a "WTH?" and texted me. Which was absolutely hilarious.

Life is great - until you realize you forgot to pack socks to wear at home over your week and a half long break. Whatever, I'm just stealing my sister's for now. 

But I think there's a guy at my school who likes me. Unfortunately for him, I'm not interested. And I know guys talk, so I told one of his closest friends that I'm just not interested. Friendship, sure. Anything else, nope. My love life is a mess and I'm one hard cookie, as my grandma loves to say.

Still, work is great. I'm applying for jobs already and I hope I hear back soon. Though I'll probably be spending most of my time in NJ for the summer, I still deserve a good job with my killer resume` over here. Even with the internship I have this semester, I'm making amazing progress with my Social Work skills which is great!

There isn't much to say, but when there is, I'll write another post!

Also, wth is going on with the Big East "Catholic" Conference? Geez!

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