
March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day (aka Ginger Appreciation Day)

This week is going to be the busiest week of my life. I have a ton of presentations, exams, papers, statements, work, and dance practices all lined up for this week. 

But my life is still eventful besides the regular school stuff. I was hit on by a random African American guy on the way to work last week. I was walking down the train platform and this guy says, "Well good morning beautiful. How you doin'?" But I just kept walking. I can't handle greedy men before 8am. 

While I was home for Spring Break, I was catching up with some coworkers from my Bingo job. A new (very young and attractive) man was hired while I was in Italy, named Jay. Jay is getting married next month - lucky him. So out of nowhere, when I went to visit my coworkers one weekend, he says, "So do you have a boyfriend?" Random. Totally out of the blue. "No, Jay. My love life is a joke." He gave me a weird look and said, "Well my best man needs a date to my wedding." Oh. Well that's interesting.

The guy never contacted me and Jay told me later that his best man decided to go solo. Which is fine. Good for them, I guess. 

Work is great, though I can't believe this semester is half over already. In the fall, I'll be a senior and I'm a little nervous about it. I recently had an interview for a medical group in the DC area, though I have no idea where I'd be staying. It's too expensive to live on campus during the year and I can't get an apartment right now. It's a little messy, but I'm going back for another interview tomorrow.

My love life is still a joke. I did like a guy but he had no idea I existed so I got over it. It was random too. I just woke up maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago and was drooling over this guy, but he's interested in someone else. Oh well. I mean I have guys staring at me on campus but unless they approach me, I won't think they're serious.

St. Patty's Day weekend was great. I was able to relax and go out to dinner with friends! I caught up on gossip and what's going on in the lives of my closest friends. 

I finally got a dance partner, which I was in desperate need of since we're looking to go to the Rutgers competition next month! I can't wait! 

That's about it for now :)

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