
March 18, 2013

I'm Marie



a procrastinator.
someone who loves 4 hours naps in the afternoon.
a Social Work major.
family and friend oriented.
usually oblivious to guys who flirt with me.
only 20, but less than 6 months till a legal drink.
a traveler at heart.
a fake Italian.
actually Irish.
a legit redhead.
a stay-up-all-night kinda girl.
not tolerant of anyone who likes John Mayor. Ew.
sarcastic sometimes.
allergic to idiots.
in love with foreign languages.
a super sweetheart and someone you don't wanna mess with.
not as pretty on the outside as I am on the inside.
a city girl.
loving my fuzzy socks.
happily single.
a serious fan of sun roofs.
in love with dark-haired guys.
seriously weird.

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