
March 31, 2013

Hopes & Dreams in Philly

I usually take a bus home since it isn't expensive. Though most people prefer taking a plane or the train, I like the bus. The ride is a long way home to Jersey, but it gives me relax time - that strange sense of being alone even though so many people are around me. But they don't know me, I don't get nervous, and I can stare out the window for as long as I like while I think and listen to my music blasting the outside world away.

I took a different bus home, which means a different route. We cut through Philly to get to Seacaucus. I haven't been to Philly since I was little, when I was still Irish Dancing at August competitions in Philly each summer. My uncle used to live there, but got married and moved to Cali. My friend goes to school in Philly and I've been dying to visit but I've been nervous in a sense...the parts I've seen weren't visit-worthy. But when my bus drove through the Drexel University area, it was all pretty nice. City area, people walking around, checking out museums, eating some lunch outside. It made me want to go back to Philly.

I'm a city girl so I wouldn't mind living in DC or New York or Philly, or anywhere else with a ton of people and a lot to see. And I hope I end up with a legit job in an awesome city so I'll never be bored - there's my sense of adventure speaking. 

But it's true. I like traveling and after Italy, I promised myself I would do more of it! And Philly is definitely one of the next on my list.

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