
January 26, 2013


Out of nowhere, some college students decided to create "University Crush" Pages on Facebook. Loyola's would be "Loyola Crush", Howard's would be "Howard Crush", and so on. I honestly can't decide whether they're one of the best pages ever created on Facebook, or a creative cop-out. The point of these pages is to anonymously post your thoughts on someone you have a crush on. So basically, you're telling this anonymous person what you aren't telling the person you have the crush on. And anonymous person posts it for all to see, and also tags the person you wanted to say these things to...but didn't. I mean, it's creative - sure. But if someone likes me, I'd want him to tell me. In person. Not in some creepy text. 

I enjoy creativity and chivalry. If you just walked up to me and said, "I think you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen" and walked away, I'd give you more credit than the guy who's busy admiring me from afar on campus. Without saying anything. I think guys misunderstand these things? I don't know.

I'm not saying that ALL guys are like this - heavens, no! Some guys say what they mean & mean what they say, which makes life SO much easier for us, females. Trust me. But guys are difficult and I don't know why. They say they like you, but you see them with someone else. Then he just stops talking to you altogether. Which is weird, why are you wasting her time? Or he plays the "best friend" role & you know you like each other, but he just won't make a damn move! Guys are weird.

So before Valentine's Day, make sure you TELL your lady/man how you feel about them! No matter how silly or stupid you might feel while doing it, it's better to know - to honestly know - than to assume or guess. Or let it all pass without doing anything and asking yourself "what if?"

The only reason I'm writing this post is because in the last couple months, I've been listening to all these stories from my girl friends who liked some guy and then something dumb happened. 

So here's the main point, to put it simply:
(1) If you like someone, just tell them. Honestly. Tell them everything you feel for them.
(2) Never ever EVER lead someone on. EVER. You look like a dbag and you're just wasting time. Plus that's super unfair.
(3) Girls and guys do these things, don't get me wrong. It's just that I've heard more about dbag guys recently than dbag girl stories from my guy friends.
(4) If you like someone, don't have another guy/girl on the side. That's a stupid move & when the person you're leading on finds out, you're screwed.

Follow these and you won't regret it.

January 24, 2013

My Job: Week 2 Completed

Since I was in [maybe] preschool, I had this huge lady-crush on Princess Diana of Wales. (I swear there's a point to this story.) I specifically remember going to "library class" in grammar school and picking out the same book every week to read/look through. It was a big book, but it was thin. It was dark blue and had a large photo of the lovely Princess Diana on the cover. The librarians never let anyone else take the book out except me; they practically had it on infinite reserve for me.

I signed that book out 73 times. In a row.

I remember she was amazing.
I remember my mom laughing every time I brought that book home.
I remember her funeral on TV the same year my sister was born.

I'll never forget it.

I never cared for her sons - I was never interested enough in them to fantasize about being "Mrs. Princess William/Harry of [enter region-with-too-many-vowels here]". But I loved Diana. 

She was gorgeous. She had her head held high even when she felt her worst. She wanted to help people who needed help.

And I always admired her for it.

I work in DC, incase you haven't been following along or if I made it really difficult to understand. I landed an internship working at a facility for women. I work 8 hours a week. I help women who are in recovery from whatever their particular situations are (homelessness, drug addicts/recovering alcoholics, etc.). I help with software, computer classes, job applications, and a ton more in between. 

I've had some great highs. There was a client I worked with on filling out an online application for a job. She wasn't sure how to upload her resume` to the online application, so I taught her how. It took maybe 10 or 15 minutes, but that's what I'm there for. When she was leaving the office, after she was all done on the computer, she found me and said, "Thank you so much for taking time to help me. It really means a lot."

There's another woman I work with, who loves applying to new jobs. She's very confident and knows she has the potential for a great job. Another one of my responsibilities is to take care of a huge billboard for new job postings. The job postings on the board weren't updated - they were from November and December. Some were from January, but there were very few. So I updated the board. I printed out about a dozen new job listings and posted them on the board. This woman came running toward me, all excited, and started asking about the postings. "Oh my gosh! I want to apply for these! Are they new? OMG THEY ARE! Will there be more!?" So every time she sees me walking in the hallway, she runs up to the board and asks if I'm putting up more job postings.

Both of these were great moments because I know they're grateful for my help. But to see their eyes light up because of job postings, it's unbelievable. It's a great feeling that I can't explain. 

All I can say is that I'm glad I'm part of it.

And I'm glad I admired Diana for it. Now I'm part of it too.

January 22, 2013

Challenge Week 3: Answers

Anonymous: What is your most vivid memory? Doesn't have to be from Italy. But a memory that when you close your eyes you can picture yourself there.

My Answer: Alright! I have an answer after like a 12hr contemplation. I've been going to college in DC for 3 years now and I love living here. I have a ton of friends, from home and colleges in Maryland & Virginia, who have never been to DC. Freshman year, one of my best friends came to visit me in DC for a weekend from her college in Philly & I was able to show her around. We went for a walk around this huge reflecting pool near the Jefferson Monument. Now between March and April is a month-long celebration they call the "Cherry Blossom Festival", here in DC. Out of nowhere, literally overnight, the trees in DC bloom and produce the most fragile, yet potent, cherry blossom flowers. When you walk around DC, the smell is just unreal. I went for a walk freshman year around the same reflecting pool during cherry blossom season. That's one of my most vivid memories - sitting in one of the most amazing cities in the US, the light off the reflecting pool, and the smell of the cherry blossoms around you. It's absolutely memorable in its simple beauty.

And something I will do again this spring :)

Anonymous: How do you picture your life 5 years from now? I realize that's the kind of question you get at school, but I'm curious. How do you hope your life will end up?

My Answer: Within the next 5 years, I hope to accomplish a lot of things. My senior year, I plan to apply to a police academy in NJ, to jobs (assuming I'll have my BSW in spring 2014), and to grad schools for my MSW. However, the first thing I'm paying attention to is acceptance to grad school. If I get accepted somewhere, that's my top priority. If I don't get accepted anywhere, then hopefully I land a job. If I don't land a job after graduation or get accepted to grad school, I'll attend a police academy in NJ. 
But within now and the time I graduate, I hope I'll have a boyfriend. Someone serious. Maybe I'll be engaged in the next 5 years, who knows. I'd also like to go back to Italy; maybe I'll even end up working there. 

My fantasy dream: I'd be married by 25 or 26, would have been accepted into the CUA MSW Program and have my MSW under my belt in one year, land a great job, start paying back loans, travel a bit (preferably with a boyfriend/fiance or a friend of some kind), and have my own place. I'm naturally independent so paying for things myself and being away from home & family have never been difficult for me. I work hard at whatever job I have & pay my own way. I don't ask my parents for anything because they don't need the burden and that's not what I want from them.

But even if I don't get most of those things, I want to be able to wake up every day and love what I do. That's all life is in the end, I think - looking back and realizing all the great and unique things you did, including the ways in which you changed the lives of so many people. I hope this is a satisfying answer.

A friend of mine asks me: 
There's a girl I like, she's smart, funny, and really cute. I enjoy the time I spend with her, but I'm not sure if there is anything there. How exactly should I go about approaching this girl? I don't want to ruin our friendship either. I just want to know how she feels. 

My Answer: This depends on the girl. I think you should drop hints but be careful about it. Valentine's Day is coming up - ask her about what her plans are and figure out if she's interested. And go from there. Keep it simple.

Anonymous: What is your favorite television show? Feel free to express why you like it so much.

My Answer: I actually have a few. I love The Vampire Diaries. I think it's a great show and when I say "great show", I mean it keeps my attention. It gets tricky to follow if you miss one episode! Plus - let's face it - Ian Somerhalder is gorgeous. Another favorite is How I Met Your Mother. OMG that show it HYSTERICAL! It's just so realistic and absolutely hilarious! I turned into a HIMYM addict last spring, haha. Either of those I can watch over and over and never get tired of them. Great question!

Anonymous: If you could date any fictional character, from either television or literature, who would it be? Explain please :)

My Answer: Two words: PEETA MELLARK. I thoroughly enjoyed The Hunger Games Series and I have to say, (spoiler alert) I'm glad Katniss chooses Peeta in the end. If she didn't, I'd be ultra pissed. Peeta is the ultimate sweetheart of the series cause readers know Katniss is a huge cold-hearted brat. Even through 3 books of Katniss going back and forth - between Gale and Peeta - the boy with the bread (Peeta) still wins in the end. WHICH IS AWESOME CAUSE I LOVE HIM!

Here's why - Peeta isn't rich. He's a very humble character and is more intelligent than Collins (the author) portrays. Says me. Peeta has always worked hard, at home and for Katniss. Quite honestly, I don't think Josh Hutcherson did a good job playing Peeta in the movie. Actually, I was extremely disappointed in the movie. Peeta is the ultimate sweetheart - he cares deeply for Katniss and he's brave through the entire series. He has his moments - nightmares, jealousy/Gale issues - but his heart is always in the right place. Peeta is the non-existent chivalrous character that women WANT, but understand it's only fiction. He does everything to save Katniss or at least keep her safe. Even when it included stupid things, like not telling her about his replacement leg. That was dumb. But Peeta goes from rags to riches through the series and doesn't turn into a dbag. He's just simple - he's just Peeta. And he hopes that everything he does for Katniss proves to her how much he cares. It's his baking abilities, the little things he says, the cute things he does that totally win me over. Okay, so I don't want a baker - that counts as a bonus in a guy, I guess.

But I'd date Peeta because his heart is in the right place! Actions speak louder than words :)

Challenge Week 3

It's about that time! The last weeks of January 2013! I'll start responding to questions tomorrow and end on Jan 31st at midnight!

You know the rules -- there are none.

Ask as many questions as you like about anything & everything and I will get back to you!

Happy Interrogating ;)

-- M

January 21, 2013

Caution: This is slightly depressing

Oddly enough, the first week back to school hasn't been that great. And that really sucks because I thought it would be. I thought everyone would be excited to see me again, and that I would be able to talk about my semester in Italy and what I've done/seen over there. And some people have asked me, but some people have just been flat-out rude.

I have some amazing friends, don't get me wrong. I'm living by myself in a single room that is really nice, and I enjoy my building. Plus the building I'm living in is in the center of campus, so it isn't far to my classes. Or work. But there are some people who just don't give a flying fig and I have no idea why. One person I know hasn't asked about my semester abroad. At all. Which pisses me off because it feels like she doesn't give a crap about anything I have to say - which she doesn't anyway, it seems. She interrupts every time I'm talking to someone because she's conceited and enjoys bringing the attention back to herself. She also brings me down by picking on me and she always HAS to be right. 

In the first week, she has done a list of things and I honestly don't know if I can hangout with her anymore. It feels like I didn't see her much anyway.

I don't know if other people are jealous that I studied abroad while they can't because of their major, or cause of finances - I don't know and it's not my business. But seriously - stop hating on me because I went to Italy. I feel like instead of hating, you could make a mental note of the things I did and the places I went. Maybe you could spend time there AFTER college, or over the summer, or study abroad for a few weeks during the summer. But don't take your anger out on me because I'm an Italian Studies Minor and I accomplished my dream - living in Italy & exploring the country.

Your jealousy is NOT my problem. Knock it off.

I also noticed that I was more appreciated in Italy. Everyone was supportive, even if you didn't know them. They didn't kick you out of restaurants because you're spending too much time there. They wanted everything to do with you and I guess people in America aren't as...inclusive as people in Italy. 

Usually people say hi to you while you're walking around town. Men stare at you or just tell you that you're gorgeous. Everyone there is just honest and it shows. People here aren't mean or horrible - that's not what i mean. I just mean that Americans seem to stare at the ground and rush around everywhere. They don't say hi to anyone unless they know them, and even then, the other person might not acknowledge them.

Americans aren't entirely inclusive. Both are awesome groups of people - I'm not hating on Americans - I'm just saying that the appreciation isn't totally there.

But I've been a little depressed this week. I feel incredibly lonely and I don't know why. I feel like the "friends" I had are flaking out and people changed while I was gone. Coming back to DC brings amazing memories from the last 2 years I spent here and I absolutely LOVE DC. (I've noticed I'm a huge city girl.) And I'd love to go on a long rant about how amazing and beautiful DC is, but I'll save that one for another time. 

I'm getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. People I know are turning against each other or there's a ton of drama. And I missed all of it. I can't even keep up with this crap anymore. Guys like me then they don't. Friends trust me then they don't. I don't even know anymore. Everyone is changing their minds every day and I can't keep up.

I just need a solid group of true friends who won't flake out on me & be completely and totally supportive. That's all I need.

And for the friends that have been supportive and have helped me adjust to everything, thank you for being there. 

January 16, 2013

Sexiest Men Alive 2013

LADIES! Welcome to the Sexiest Men Alive 2013 Post!
Don't judge me, these are all according to me.
That being said, Justin Bieber & Robert Pattinson are NOT here. Don't look for them.


And I probably forgot some too.


Channing Tatum

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp

alex pettyfer

Alex Pettyfer

matt bomer

Matt Bomer

Ian Somerhalder

Steven R. Mcqueen

Steven R. McQueen

Michael Trevino

Michael Trevino

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds

Eric Bana

Eric Bana

Alexander Skarsgard

Alexander Skarsgard

Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper

Kellan Lutz

Kellan Lutz

Zac Effron

Zac Efron

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon Levitt

James Marsden by Yu Tsai

James Marsden

James Franco

James Franco

Dave Franco

Dave Franco (James' little brother)

Josh Hutcherson

Josh Hutcherson

Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf

Peter Facinelli

Peter Facinelli

Rick Malambri

Rick Malambri

Penn Badgley

Penn Badgley

hugh jackman

Hugh Jackman

James McAvoy

James McAvoy

Cam Gigandet

Cam Gigandet

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte

tom daley

Tom Daley

Kenny Wormald

Kenny Wormald

Taylor Lautner

Why my dad should never listen to rap music. Ever.

My dad is weird. His new favorite song is "Thrift Shop" by Mackelmore.

If you haven't heard it yet, you should at least once. I heard it for the first time very recently and thought...WHAT IS THIS CRAP???

So the song came on maybe 3x when we were driving to DC from NJ - about 4 hours. And my dad thought he knew enough of the words to sing along to the song...wrong. Horribly. Horribly. Wrong.

He was too cute, though. Laughing at the wholeee song in the car. And he butchered the words at the end when the little girl says, "Is that your grandma's coat?" Instead he said, "Is that your grandma's toads?"


So yesterday, while I was on the metro back to campus from my first day of interning, he texts me: "I got the lyrics down! Call me Patrickmore!"

Dear Lord.

January 15, 2013

Random Pics (Italy --> 2013)

One of my oldest friends and myself. We go back to preschool :)

Petting some animals in Campania, Italy

#NeverReady, Italy

Ready for the Blue Grotto, Capri, Italy

DC, New Haircut, January 2013

V-Day Prep

I love Valentine's Day. Actually, I love love. (Yes, I meant to type "love" twice.) Every year, my dad is my Valentine - I know, "awwwww!" But really. Every 14th of February - at least when I was home - he would leave a little box of chocolates at my breakfast place before I left for school. And maybe a card too. My mom was different, she always attacked my lunch box - the poor vulnerable lunch box. Anyway, my mom would buy special napkins and leave notes and all that in my lunch box. Now I'm 20, single, and have no Valentine.

It kinda sucks though - I mean there are my parents (my dad will bring my mom flowers sometimes), my little sister has a boyfriend, and then there's my brother and his fiance. The weirdest thing ever was being home for Christmas. I was playing 7th wheel. SEVENTH! WHO DOES THAT!?

Anyway, I'm not bitter. I'm just not ready, I guess. I think God has a plan for me and my Valentine isn't included right now. Being single is probably the best for me cause I'm too independent for my own good...sometimes. But I don't get pissed off. You won't see me all over Facebook screaming "SINGLE'S AWARENESS DAY!" through my status because that's just rude. I can't stand when people do that.

Valentine's Day isn't about celebrating because you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband, fiance, or whomever. It's about celebrating with daughters, sons, between siblings (like me and my sister), grandparents, and whomever else there is in your life - yes, including your very best friends. It isn't just a reason to get slutty. Or beg someone to date you. It isn't about any of that and I can't stand when people turn it into one big hate-fest for singles. It pisses me off. I still love people even though I don't have a boyfriend - I love my brother and sister, my grandma and my parents, and all of my friends. 

So please shut up next month on Facebook. I don't wanna read that single's crap.

Valentine's Day isn't an excuse to love someone for ONLY THAT PARTICULAR DAY. You should love your wife, husband, fiance, gf/bf, partner, whomever on every day that ends in "y" - yes, I know it's an old joke. But seriously, whether you're single, taken, married, divorced, gay, straight, or just a love hater, you need to take a step back and say, "I actually really care about this person. I should show them more and often. How can I do that?"

So think about that for a while. 

My Hilarious Life the First Week Back!

Here's a quick run through of everything that's happened in the last week in the life of Marie:

1 - Found out my dad's favorite song is "Thrift Shop". It was a long car ride to DC on Saturday...

2 - Landed an amazing internship which I started today! It's absolutely fantastic! Everyone is so nice and the facility is awesome! Though I got the rain...

3 - Spent a solid 4 hours with Tony, Connor, Emily (all 3 I've been close with since freshman year of college) and Christine, another lovely friend of mine. It was one hilariously stupid hell of a night. But I missed them so much!

4 - While moving in Saturday, forgot to pack the coax cable for the tv and bought the wrong cable at Target. #Fail

5 - Fell in love with Spotify. Though this is slowly turning into a love/hate relationship.

6 - Realized there are a bagillion hot guys on campus (WHERE THE HELL DID THEY COME FROM!? WAS THERE A HOT GUY BUS I MISSED LAST SEMESTER!?) and there are a ton of people I don't know on campus. Actually, scratch that - I'm pretty sure I know like 20% of my school.

7 - All my classes so far have been amazing. If you've ever seen 10 Things I Hate About You with the gorgeous (RIP) Heath Ledger, one of my professors has the personality like the black English teacher in the movie. SOOO FUNNY, but it makes his class/him super awesome!

8 - Ballroom starts up again next week and I'm totally nervous since I haven't been on the dance floor since April and I have a ton of new students to meet! But I can't wait!

January 14, 2013