
December 1, 2012

Happy December!

I can't believe it's December 1! It's hard to believe how fast this semester flew! I still remember getting to JFK Airport in August and saying goodbye to my family. But getting on that plane changed my life in a ton of ways. These 4 months spent in Rome are unforgettable! But I'm sure I'll be back in the future, hopefully sooner rather than later. Now that it's December, I've been working on a list of New Year Resolutions and new things to try over my Christmas break!

While I'll be home in about 2 weeks, there are a ton of things that I want to try in 2013. One of them is messing with my hair - I'm dying it when I get home, at least part of it. But don't worry - I did my research so I won't look like a clown for my Internship in the Spring! My New Year Resolution list already has about 40 things on it - reading new books, watching new movies, going somewhere I've never been before, etc. Since I've been out of the American loop, I have no idea what the "popular" music, TV shows, etc are back home. I don't even know what movies are out in theaters. Needless to say, I'm going to have to fix this when I get home.

Some of the things I have on my list are as follows:
- Run another marathon
- Go to the Cherry Blossom Festival
- Tell the people at Starbucks my name is "Primrose Everdeen" and see what happens when they call out the name (Hunger Games reference)
- Watch every Italian movie on Netflix
- Make a Scrapbook of my semester in Italy (it might as well be a huge box)
- Make a book of recipes
- Cook more often
- Run at least 10 miles a week and swim at least 1000m a week
- Don't die on my 21st birthday
- Go ice skating in the Sculpture Garden in DC
- Meet someone new
- Help make my brother's wedding absolutely fantastic
- Learn Spanish

There are a ton more, but these will be some of the easiest for me.

You should make a list for yourself and see how much you can accomplish in 2013!


1 Peter 3:3-4. Every girl should read this. Perfect to frame for a little girl's bedroom.

Victorian gingerbread house Matchbox Advent Calendars

FREE Christmas Printable! Maybe print and put in an inexpensive frame for Weston & Addison's music teachers at school for Christmas. Christmas Yorkie 

hot chocolate and thermal robe! yes please

Holiday Cheer! Holiday Confetti Cake Batter Cookies 

Grinch christmas quote 

Holiday Window ~ ornaments hanging from ribbon. The Very Best Homemade Hot Chocolate Mix. It's SO easy! And everyone who tries it says it's the best they've ever had! #hot #chocolate #recipe 

Glass glittered deer Dollar store mugs.....Sharpie, bake 30 mins at 350 Personalized homemade gift!

upside down snowman ;-)


  1. Diego Rivera-Rosario12/03/2012


  2. Haha muchos gracias Diego!

  3. I don't think I typed that correctly...

    1. Diego Rivera-Rosario12/03/2012

      MuchAs gracias not muchos but everything else was good! jajaja! YES i am so excited for next semester! :)

  4. Genial! Espero que te practicas mucho, porque yo quiero hablar contigo en mi propio lengua. :)

    1. If I guessed what you said correctly, I'll totally be talking to you in Spanish. Probably more than you WANT to talk to me hahahahaha and I'll definitely practice a lot!
