
December 30, 2012

Ways of the World

I've been home for 2 weeks now - let me update you on my life after Rome.

After I landed in JFK on the 16th, the guy I like tried to surprise me at the airport. A cute "welcome home" surprise. Had a sign and everything. However, he ended up in the wrong terminal and the weather was bad so we couldn't meet up. I'm still giving him a ton of credit. But he might be getting another chance to see me sooner than he thinks...

I've been sleeping a lot. I'm trying to unwind and fall back into the American life, but it's actually quite difficult. 

My friend sent me this video, and because the whole thing is completely true, I laughed so hard I cried.


I've also been trying to work up the courage and motivation to get to the gym. But that's failed. Every time.

I went to midnight mass on Christmas Eve at the church my mom plays at. It was beautiful. And so was Christmas in general. We got a little snow, here in NJ, but it's washed away twice over. Now going on a third time.

The night I was driving to Christmas Eve mass, I had to stop for gas and forgot which side my gas cap was on. It was a big deal since my sister was in the car making fun of me. 

I also have another 2 weeks until I'm back in DC! Which I can't wait for! I can't wait to see everyone, but I still have things to do while I'm HOME. 

Things like: actually go to the gym, get a haircut, etc. 

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