
December 17, 2012

Challenge Week 2

Dear Readers,

I am back in the US as of yesterday afternoon! Safe & sound. 

It's the week before Christmas and time for another round of questions. Challenge Week 2 starts today and ends next week at Midnight - that is, midnight Christmas Eve!

Come up with as many questions as you like & I will answer them as completely and honestly as possible.

This is also a good time to ask anything in reference to the holidays and future post topics. Feel free to ask what you like.

Also, new posts will be up this week on my trip home!


- M :)


  1. Anonymous12/19/2012

    What do you think you're going to miss the most from Italy?

  2. Anonymous12/20/2012

    Glad to hear you made it back safely! So I know you're probably bummed about leaving your Italy, but I have to ask: What are some of the things you are most excited to do now that you are home?

  3. Anonymous12/24/2012

    There's this friend, she has a birthday the day of Christmas Eve. She says she doesn't want two presents; one for her birthday and one for Christmas, but her parents (specifically her mother) says otherwise. I'm a bit at a lost here on what to do. :/ help?
