
December 19, 2012

Challenge Week 2: Answers

Anonymous: What do you think you're going to miss the most from Italy?

My Answer: I'm going to miss the people and the cultural appreciation. I'm going to miss walking the 7 blocks to school in the morning and at night. I'm going to miss the random people, people I've never seen or met before, saying a simple "Buongiorno"  or "Buona Sera" with a smile. I'm going the miss the local family-owned bars and restaurants who love seeing me and conversing with me. I'm going to miss the uneven streets and the people who graciously stop for me to cross them. I'm going to miss the fashion influence on the streets and in the main centers of the city. I'm going to miss the smells of the fresh pastries in the Pasticceria and the delicious dinners coming from the restaurants nearby. I'm going to miss the random guys on the street calling me "carina" or "bella". I'm going to miss the 4 hour dinners with friends, where we just sat around and talked. I'm going to miss the beauty of public transportation. I'm going to miss the laid back culture of Italians. I'm going to miss hearing and speaking the language every single day.

And even though these things might sound really strange, these are the small things you might miss during a normal day in Rome. And these things formed my cultural immersion in the city. I'm going to miss all of these and so much more.

Anonymous: Glad to hear you made it back safely! So I know you're probably bummed about leaving your Italy, but I have to ask: What are some of the things you are most excited to do now that you are home?

My Answer: Thank you! It's bittersweet, but yes, I'm bummed. But to answer your question, I'm really excited to hangout with my sister! I'm also making dinner plans with friends and co-workers so I can see everyone while I'm home! I'm glad that I can just relax, sleep, and workout for a week before REAL plans start taking place - like family holiday dinners, get-togethers, etc. However, going back to school will be a whole other welcome party since I haven't seen my friends at CUA since the spring. 


Anonymous: There's this friend, she has a birthday the day of Christmas Eve. She says she doesn't want two presents; one for her birthday and one for Christmas, but her parents (specifically her mother) says otherwise. I'm a bit at a lost here on what to do. :/ help?

My Answer: This one is tricky - No matter what, these presents are still for this "friend". You can get one - that doesn't mean her mother will hate you. You can call it "all-inclusive"; for her birthday AND Christmas. That might be the simplest option. OR you can get her 2 presents anyway. Either way, it's the thought that counts. Sometimes girls appreciate the extra thought, even if they call themselves "simple". What matters is the thought and that's it. This is one of those situations you'll laugh about after it's over.

You took time out for your girl friend. Presents or no presents, what matters in the end? 

If you feel bad later, it's her mom's fault in the end for giving birth to her daughter on Christmas Eve. Just saying.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year :)

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