
December 31, 2012


(1) First things first - MUSIC TIME!

Checkout my YouTube playlist here

(2) Dance with me, maybe?

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(3) Party. Enough said.

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Moving on to 2013

If you do anything this year, I hope you're starting the New Year off right! No matter where you are in the world, make sure you have an awesome night ringing in about 8 hours! And I know where I WILL be - parked in front of the TV, watching the New Years Eve special on TV and watch the ball drop. Plus there are usually good performances leading up to the legendary NYC countdown. 

As I mentioned in a post a while ago, I had made up a list of some things I wanted to accomplish this year. Now that the end of the world nonsense is over, it's time to continue with reality. What do YOU want to accomplish this year? There are always the similar resolutions that tons of people make every year - that FAIL. 

I want to quit smoking.
I want to lose weight.
I'll go to church every week.
I want to work out more often.

I don't want to drink as much.

Blah, blah, blah. We all know how these end - not well. For some, not all.

How about trying these instead?

I want to go to 1 new place I've never been to before.
I want to splurge on 1 expensive thing this year.
I want to read a new book.
I want to see 5 movies I've never seen before.

I want to keep a journal.
I want to try a new recipe I've been wanting to try FOREVER.
I want to learn something new.

Try these instead. I've done all of these and - trust me - you will feel SO PROUD of yourself for sticking to this short & easy list.

So what do YOU want from this new year?

It's time for clearing out your past and rediscovering your future - what you REALLY want this year. And since we aren't all faced with the zombie apocalyspe, I suggest you create a list with simple goals - things you KNOW you will be able to achieve this year.

Don't be afraid to splurge a little - and I mean "splurge" by buying maybe 2 expensive things you normally wouldn't, but you know you'll get use from said things. 

If you're big on losing that weight, try little goals. Run around the block every day for a week. Swim a certain distance once a week. Practice walking before running and your body will thank you.

That's how I completed my 5K in August - I ran .5 miles at the gym. Which was new for me. Then moved up to 1 mile a day. By the end of the summer, I was running 3.5-4 miles a day. Then went to Italy and got fat, but whatever.

It's a work in progress.

Happy New Year :)

December 30, 2012

Dear Readers

Dear Readers,

Though my time in Rome is unfortunately over, I will still be writing about the strange and hilarious things that happen in my life. So please stay tuned for more posts!

Happy New Year!

- M

PS - Enjoy this song! -->

Like a sir!

Ways of the World

I've been home for 2 weeks now - let me update you on my life after Rome.

After I landed in JFK on the 16th, the guy I like tried to surprise me at the airport. A cute "welcome home" surprise. Had a sign and everything. However, he ended up in the wrong terminal and the weather was bad so we couldn't meet up. I'm still giving him a ton of credit. But he might be getting another chance to see me sooner than he thinks...

I've been sleeping a lot. I'm trying to unwind and fall back into the American life, but it's actually quite difficult. 

My friend sent me this video, and because the whole thing is completely true, I laughed so hard I cried.


I've also been trying to work up the courage and motivation to get to the gym. But that's failed. Every time.

I went to midnight mass on Christmas Eve at the church my mom plays at. It was beautiful. And so was Christmas in general. We got a little snow, here in NJ, but it's washed away twice over. Now going on a third time.

The night I was driving to Christmas Eve mass, I had to stop for gas and forgot which side my gas cap was on. It was a big deal since my sister was in the car making fun of me. 

I also have another 2 weeks until I'm back in DC! Which I can't wait for! I can't wait to see everyone, but I still have things to do while I'm HOME. 

Things like: actually go to the gym, get a haircut, etc. 

December 19, 2012

Homeward Bound

12/14 - Friday

I finished my finals! My Philosophy oral exam was fine and I officially finished all my classes! I spent a solid 2-3 hours shopping around the city for Christmas gifts! I did it by myself because I wanted to take in the last afternoon I'll ever have - at least for my semester - in the city of Roma. After all my shopping, I went back to my apartment to drop everything off and got ready for dinner.

I went to the restaurant, Le Fate (The Fates), with some girl friends again in Trastevere. It was a nice, last dinner in Rome. After dinner, we met up with the rest of the gang from CUA for drinks at Abbey Theater. I stuck around until maybe 12.15am and left by myself because I had to head home. I needed to wake up early for my flight on Saturday morning.

12/15 - Saturday

I had to finish packing up everything. I bought a book for my host mom, Rosa, and gave her a Christmas card. Thankfully, she loved both of them. I moved out early Saturday and headed to St. John's to double check my email and such before getting on the bus to head to the airport. Since I got up earlier than I needed to, I caught up on my email, filled out last minute evaluations, checked Facebook, and read up on the news. It was then that I unfortunately learned about the horrible event in Connecticut. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this traumatic event. I teared up while reading the numerous articles and seeing pictures of family members and such outside of the school. But the country, as a whole, needs to make smart decisions to make sure this does not happen again since it has been happening much too often lately.

No one should have to experience such trauma.

I left St. John's for Piazza Cavour, where the bus shuttle was stopping to take me to the Fiumicino Airport in Rome. After an hour on the road, I walked into Fiumicino and got down to business. I took the EasyJet flight to Milan, though it was delayed about half an hour. I landed safely in Milan, but had a hard time getting to the hotel I was staying at. If you ever need a place to stay that's near the Malpensa Airport in Milan, stay at the Holiday Inn or the Sheraton Hotels because the Idea Hotel is way too difficult to find.

I took a free bus from the airport to an area near the airport called Case Nuove (New Houses). The first time, I missed my stop. Then when I got off at my stop, I got off with a very attractive young Italian man who worked at the airport. I asked him for help finding the Idea Hotel. He told me he parks for work in the Holiday Inn lot so he walked me to the Holiday Inn so I could ask the people working there where on earth this hotel was. It was awkward, but he was very sweet.

By the way, there was 2 feet of snow in Milan. So there I was, in the Milan airport area, walking around in 2ft of snow with all my stuff. And a random map. Trying to find this hotel.

Don't do it. Just don't.

I finally found the hotel, got the key to my room, got upstairs, and threw down my luggage on the extra bed in my room. I washed up, changed into PJs, and took a long nap. Later, I went to dinner in the hotel restaurant which was nice. Funny enough, the Italian game show I watched every night during dinner was on. So I had a great time eating dinner and watching Avanti Un'Altro!

Then the news came on about the shooting in Connecticut.

12/16 - Sunday

I woke up early to head back to the airport. While at the airport, I waited for my flight. And waited and waited. Since my ticket was standby, and there were open seats in first class, I ended up getting placed in first class and flying home in luxury. 

Thank you LORD.

I landed safely in NY at JFK Airport around 1.30pm, went through customs and more security. Then found my dad, holding a sign, waiting for me at the airport.

Welcome to America.

Challenge Week 2: Answers

Anonymous: What do you think you're going to miss the most from Italy?

My Answer: I'm going to miss the people and the cultural appreciation. I'm going to miss walking the 7 blocks to school in the morning and at night. I'm going to miss the random people, people I've never seen or met before, saying a simple "Buongiorno"  or "Buona Sera" with a smile. I'm going the miss the local family-owned bars and restaurants who love seeing me and conversing with me. I'm going to miss the uneven streets and the people who graciously stop for me to cross them. I'm going to miss the fashion influence on the streets and in the main centers of the city. I'm going to miss the smells of the fresh pastries in the Pasticceria and the delicious dinners coming from the restaurants nearby. I'm going to miss the random guys on the street calling me "carina" or "bella". I'm going to miss the 4 hour dinners with friends, where we just sat around and talked. I'm going to miss the beauty of public transportation. I'm going to miss the laid back culture of Italians. I'm going to miss hearing and speaking the language every single day.

And even though these things might sound really strange, these are the small things you might miss during a normal day in Rome. And these things formed my cultural immersion in the city. I'm going to miss all of these and so much more.

Anonymous: Glad to hear you made it back safely! So I know you're probably bummed about leaving your Italy, but I have to ask: What are some of the things you are most excited to do now that you are home?

My Answer: Thank you! It's bittersweet, but yes, I'm bummed. But to answer your question, I'm really excited to hangout with my sister! I'm also making dinner plans with friends and co-workers so I can see everyone while I'm home! I'm glad that I can just relax, sleep, and workout for a week before REAL plans start taking place - like family holiday dinners, get-togethers, etc. However, going back to school will be a whole other welcome party since I haven't seen my friends at CUA since the spring. 


Anonymous: There's this friend, she has a birthday the day of Christmas Eve. She says she doesn't want two presents; one for her birthday and one for Christmas, but her parents (specifically her mother) says otherwise. I'm a bit at a lost here on what to do. :/ help?

My Answer: This one is tricky - No matter what, these presents are still for this "friend". You can get one - that doesn't mean her mother will hate you. You can call it "all-inclusive"; for her birthday AND Christmas. That might be the simplest option. OR you can get her 2 presents anyway. Either way, it's the thought that counts. Sometimes girls appreciate the extra thought, even if they call themselves "simple". What matters is the thought and that's it. This is one of those situations you'll laugh about after it's over.

You took time out for your girl friend. Presents or no presents, what matters in the end? 

If you feel bad later, it's her mom's fault in the end for giving birth to her daughter on Christmas Eve. Just saying.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year :)

December 17, 2012

Challenge Week 2

Dear Readers,

I am back in the US as of yesterday afternoon! Safe & sound. 

It's the week before Christmas and time for another round of questions. Challenge Week 2 starts today and ends next week at Midnight - that is, midnight Christmas Eve!

Come up with as many questions as you like & I will answer them as completely and honestly as possible.

This is also a good time to ask anything in reference to the holidays and future post topics. Feel free to ask what you like.

Also, new posts will be up this week on my trip home!


- M :)

December 14, 2012

"Being Naked"

This morning I checked my email and found, in my inbox, an email my mom sent me. With the subject line - "Being Naked". 

" 'So my family better know I'm throwing out MY CLOTHES so they can have Italian Christmas presents.
I better be the favorite. '
Actually, having a naked daughter getting off the plane would probably be very similar to something your brother would do....LOL!!! "

I can't even begin to tell you how hard I was laughing when I saw Being Naked sitting in my inbox.

Good times.

December 13, 2012


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I packed most of my things up this morning and set aside the clothes I'll need to get home. I still have Christmas Shopping to do, which I'm accomplishing today. The good news is, I have 3 days left until I can stuff myself silly AND I can still carry my suitcase since it isn't extremely heavy...yet. I'm donating the extra shoes and clothes that I don't want or can't fit. Right now, it's all looking pretty good.

I'm just a little nervous about bringing breakable things home, though they're wrapped up pretty well in bags and clothes. I'm just going to hope for the best. Plus I think EasyJet has this huge issue with carry ons and I'm worried they'll tack on an extra 80E to let my backpack on the flight with me since it's my carry on. Oh well.

Anyway, I'm excited to prepare everyone's gifts when I get home. The only thing I'm nervous about is my grandma - I haven't heard much about her from my family except the all-too-commonly-said "She's fine". Which isn't helpful when your grandma is 91 and on the way out, to put it nicely. When I left in August, she was in really bad shape. And even after taking care of her every week, I was still preparing for something to happen after I left. I haven't heard anything, so either she's alright and actually holding out for me until I come home, or something DID happen and my family is covering it up until I come home. Who knows. But if there's someone I love spoiling more than my sister, it's my grandma. And if my grandpa were still alive, he would certainly do it himself.

Which brings up another thing - my grandpa died in March 2010. He unfortunately didn't see me graduate high school. Or hear me declare that I was going to Catholic University. Or know I declared my Social Work Major & Italian [Studies] Minor. Or congratulate me on being accepted into an amazing program where I can live in Italy for a semester and become more fluent in the language.

This stuff is life-changing - it's why I want to work with people who are old or terminally ill or dying. That's my gift. of them...

I think everyone has someone like this, who changed their lives so simply. But the other night, I was making a list of gifts and sorting out what to pack first, etc. Then I found my grandma's gift, that I was hiding in a plastic bag in my closet, and thought, I wonder what my grandpa would say if he could see me now. What would he say? Would he be proud of me for going to CUA? Or for being a Social Work Major & Italian Studies Minor? Would he be happy that I've been living in Italy for a semester? Would he be happy about my spring internship? Am I making anyone happy by doing any of these things?

I'm a weird person. There's a long list, but here are the main reasons:
(1) Because I'm almost fluent in a language no one in my family speaks
(2) Because for a few reasons, I'm obsessed with finding out where I came from

There have certainly been questions I've been asking myself, and the whole point of being here for a semester is so that I can study and change as a person. This semester is supposed to change me - and it has. For the better, of course.

And I think it's because of these things that I really just don't want to go home. I've already talked to people here, and I've been given opportunities to come back. To live, to teach, to volunteer...the list goes on. But I'm hesitant to do that and I think I'll wait a while to make sure it's the right thing to do. Between now and the time I earn my Master's degree is enough time for other opportunities to present themselves & for serious life choices to be made.

We'll see what happens...

December 12, 2012


3 days until I leave Rome. 4 days until I leave Italy. It's all very bittersweet.

I have to say, I have had one unforgettable time here. I have one final exam left, which is a 12 minute oral exam - one on one with my professor - for Philosophy on Friday. And that's the end of it. Then I move out Saturday morning, go to Piazza Cavour, get on the bus that takes me to the airport, and wait for my flight to Milan. I'm spending the night in Milan and getting up early Sunday for my flight to NY. And if the weather holds out, I should be home on time.

Needless to say, with this being finals week & pack-up-and-leave week, I've been super stressed. SUPER stressed. I had a mini-psychotic break on Friday night and just cried. The cherry on top of all that was the bus driver missing my stop, letting me off 3 blocks away from where I was supposed to be, and stopped to let me the pouring rain. My umbrella broke. It was a mess.

Thank God that I have the friends I do here. And I know they're all under the same pressure to finish up well, among maybe some other things - going home, Christmas shopping and things like that. But for me, it's smooth sailing today, tomorrow, and then I just have to survive for 12 minutes on Friday afternoon. Then I'm done. Then I say goodbye, finish packing, and head out Saturday morning.

Bittersweet, the only word that I can use to sum up this push-and-pull feeling.

I love Italy, but I want to go home. I want to go home, but not really. It's been a constant back-and-forth. Things will be different when I get home. I'll be in the same time zone as my friends, and for others, I'll be in the same state! My town will look different. I'll have a car and won't have to walk everywhere. I'm in desperate need of a pedicure after what Rome has done to my me.

There are tons of differences, and there are tons of things I'll have to get used to when I get home that were different in Italy. And even though it took me the semester to get used to, I'll have to switch back now. I need to flip on my American switch when I get on that plane in Milan on Sunday. Only one problem -- I don't know how.

I think I FORGOT how to be American, if that's even possible. I'll expect the news to be on after my Italian game show. But the game show won't exist and the news won't be in Italian. Food will be served in big, fat American helpings and all the food won't be as fresh. There will be quick meals where Americans eat fast and get out of the room as quickly as p
ossible, no need to stay and talk. And I'll want to sit there for 3 hours, going through 4 courses, and drinking through a bottle of wine. Oh wait - IT'S STILL ILLEGAL FOR ME TO DRINK IN AMERICA BECAUSE I'M 9 MONTHS FROM BEING 21. That's a game changer right there.

I drink all the time here - with friends, with faculty - and it will be completely different when I get home. COMPLETELY. And I don't like it one bit. I'll want to open my windows every morning and have coffee waiting for me with something small for breakfast. But I won't have that because (1) American windows have screens and (2) American coffee might be horribly disgusting to me when I get home - idk. Americans dress differently - they don't take their time in the morning like Italians do. Instead, they just throw on a pair of jeans and whatever shirt they see first...that is clean. They don't dress up like Italians do. I wear miniskirts and tights to class! I've worn lipstick and left my hair down for presentations. I've worn earrings most of the time I've been here and I've barely worn sneakers - in fact, I bought 2 new pairs of shoes since being here.

Americans are just different and lazy and don't bother. Sorry, but it's true. Plus I feel that most people would say the same after living in Italy for so long. Going outside in sweatpants just aren't normal.

Anyway, I still have a ton of Christmas shopping to do - and this is good for me. (1) Because I'm so stressed out that my body has been having non-stop adrenaline rushes for 2 weeks. (2) Because it gives me something to do, like walk around for exercise since my body is used to being fast-paced all the time. (3) I'll be able to walk around Rome during my last week while the weather is sunny, but extremely cold. (Whatever, at least it isn't raining like it did for the last WEEK AND A HALF!) (4) I love Christmas shopping and I can easily get it all done since I made my list.

So today and tomorrow are completely free. I'll be doing some packing/throwing things out, Christmas shopping, and other errands before I head to Milan on Saturday. The only downside to living here for 4 months is that most of my white clothes are now stained so I have to throw them out. That's fine because some more of my clothes will be thrown out during my packing process, which leaves me more room for presents and things.

So my family better know I'm throwing out MY CLOTHES so they can have Italian Christmas presents.

I better be the favorite.