
October 20, 2012

Why this week will absolutely suck...

Lucky me! It's time for midterms...crap. And I have 3 midterm exams next week. On the up side, I'm going to an Italian opera Tuesday night which I'm excited about because I love Italian operas! Can't wait!

On a random note, I met this guy...and when I say "met", I mean he was going through my friend Sarah's photos of me and left this for a comment: "Sarah, tell your friend I'll never meet she's a stone cold fox for me! Thanks!" This guy is a student at Loyola University in Maryland, but he's currently studying abroad in Australia. (No, he didn't find Nemo yet...) Sarah's filled me in on him...he's her boyfriend's roommate and they're close. So Sarah has definitely filled me in...

But since then, I've been talking to this guy and he seems pretty decent. Normal, funny, and he's attractive so I figured, why not talk to him and make a new friend? This seems more realistic than briefly dating an Italian douche, plus I'm up for whatever at this point. I sent him a friend request on FB and we talked for the last 3 days. I've been getting to know him. But he's currently in Bali, Indonesia (CAUSE HE'S SO LUCKY!) and is probably trying to read my blog from Indonesia. But he'll be there for 9 days so I'll talk to him in another week or so...if he survives.

So for shiggles, I wrote this post. And wanted to update everyone on my ridiculously crazy life.

Ciao for now ;)

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